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**yOU GUYS MAKE ME LAFF** . this chapter is mainly on jack's group convo with #ogoc and his thoughts at the end. a filler to pass time lol. i already have their next smut written i'm such a nasty bitch no shame. xox



group messages between johnson (jj) sammy (wilk) nate (skate) jake (foushee) & gilinsky.

{group conversation titled: omahasquad}

12:39 [jj] so how's the trip, lovaboy?

12:39 [wilk] yeah fuckboy.

12:39 [skate] iS SHE GOOD IN BED?!!?!1?

12:40 [foushee] wtf fam? ^

12:40 [jj] its a pretty important question.

12:40 [wilk] it really is. answer little shit faggot.

12:40 [skate] stfu jake

12:41 [jack] i fcking hate you guys .

12:41 [jack] and our sex life is none of you guys' business wtf

12:42 [skate] bro

12:42 [jj] we're supposed to know shit like this

12:42 [foushee] hell yeah

12:43 [sammy] and plus, she's baaad. so if she automatically should be. right?!

12:43 [jake] samuel..

12:44 [sammy] yeah bro?

12:45 [jake] shut the fuck up

12:45 [sammy] why didn't you just say stfu?

12:45 [jj] guys!

12:46 [foushee] !!!! yyheah wghat joaohnxon saud

12:46 [jack] jake..

12:46 [sammy] he's drunk as a bitch haha

12:47 [skate] i still wanna know if she's good in bed

12:47 [jj] wtf i wanted to roll up with him later

12:48 [foushee] )-81)/7)-8-jwiwhsudb##]^[*jsj

12:49 [jack] i'm fucking 4000% done

12:49 [jack] i need help guys!

12:49 [sammy] what nigga

12:50 [jj] yes gilinsky?

12:50 [skate] talk bitch

12:50 [foushee] jaiaiq&188118 HEY AUAHAHQH!!1818.@&,'

{'foushee' has been deleted from the group convo by 'jj'}

12:50 [jj] i couldn't deal with it any longer. continue gilinsky.

12:51 [sammy] well shit johnson..

12:51 [skate] i'm dead

12:52 [jack] well, i need help with arabella. i wanna take her out on a date over here in colorado but idk what to do. i want her to have an amazing time


12:52 [skate] you can't be talking sam LMAO

12:52 [jj] neither of you can, should i being up katie and stephanie

12:52 [jj] anywaays, i have a perfect plan jack.

12:53 [skate] fking asshole

12:53 [sammy] c'mon bro why'd you bring her upppppp

12:54 [jack] skathamien and samuel wilkoward, stfu. and jj, for sure bro.



i read johnson's plan for the date with arabella as a smirk rised to my face. it was amazing. johnson was a fucking genius. i quickly thanked the boys and shut my phone off, fixing myself down in bed. i turned my body towards a knocked out arabella.

i honestly love how she's acting as if she didn't tease the loving hell out of me. which is why after the cute and romantic date, i'm ruining her life. sexually and physically. i'm breaking her insides and i vow to make her sore for 3 days.

i laughed to myself at my own compromise, and kissed her forehead, moving her hair out her face and bringing her closer to me.

she smelled like that cranberry and sugary aloe vera perfume from victoria secret she knew i loved. my hand slowly lowered as i rubbed her body until i realized she was wearing a thong. a fucking thong. i bit my lip as i moved my hand back to her bare waist.

guess who's going to wake up with morning wood?

jack gilinsky, that's who.

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