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Hey guys!

I've been writing the book Unknown for 10 entire months, 10 fucking months bro. People who have been here ever since the beginning, have stuck with this stupid, unedited, carroty, terribly writin piece of shit for 10 long ass months. That's crazy.
     I never expected my book to get nearly 200k, not even 100k, or 50k, or 1k at all. And I'm extremely happy that you guys enjoyed it all the way until the end, errors and all. Even through all of my bitching (LuKe omFg) and my long holds and random disappearances. The readers of this book are truly amazing and are the best people I could count on. And it's all facts.
     In 2014, exactly in November, I began to write an extremely short chapter for my first ever book. I had not the slightest idea to where I was going with it, and I didn't even have an idea if I was going to continue it. I nearly deleted it three chapters in being honest. But seeing how far in reads and votes and comments I got, makes me nearly fucking tear up I swear.
     My love for that old fuckboy Gilinsky is extreme, and the only way I thought I could express that would be through writing, and I also added my little obsession over Arctic Monkeys. So I thought hey, how about I write a story about that Mexican Jew and one of my most favorite songs by AM.
     The idea for texting, came for me when one of the best people to enter my life on Instagram. She was my internet friend, and we were friends for nearly as long as I could remember. Although she lived in California and I live in New York, we Facetimed, texted, spoke as much as we can. Of course the idea of a texting story was bound to pop in my head.
     But then my fantasies turned into a reality, when I got a call from Lyssa's older sister around 2:25ish on October 28th, about how Lyssa had committed suicide. I knew, as each day passed by about how she wasn't happy with her school. I knew about how she was slowly fading into a deep depression, and I knew how much she needed me. I cried. I cried my eyes out.
     I didn't bother sleeping for days, which caused my severe insomnia to grow at an all time high. I couldn't help but feel an empty hole inside of my heart, that I thought could not be filled. I didn't even want to go through with the entire story idea that Lyssa would have fallen inlove with. Until I met a few of the best people I ever will.
     Alex, (pumatbh) Sam (httpdaddygilinsky), and last but not least, Jennifer. Alex and Sam are so active, and the funniest people I'll ever meet. I love them so much I swear. And even if I don't speak to them as much, they fill up a part that Lyssa took away when she passed. They mean so much to me, they my OG bitches. (Tear) I love ya fam. I really do.
     That leaves me with Jennifer. We went to the same middle school, same classes, same interests yet to different, and same love towards eachother. (I maybe love her a bit more yikes) There's so much shit I've done with Jennifer that no one will probably understand. From the first couple of weeks of school, all the way to now. She has stuck with my annoying, maybe clingy, emotional yet emotionless, sensitive yet egotistical weird ass for nearly an entire year. And even if I don't speak to her as much as I'd like to, and even though I do things I don't like that I do, she still loves me. And let me fuckin tell you, when Jennifer loves you, she genuinely loves you, cause there isn't much that she loves.
     Jennifer has put me on to so many different artists that I have grown to love, and she has taught me so much shit. She's helped me with this book, she's helped me with other books, she gives me ideas when I'm on writers block, she makes me laugh and feel happy when I feel down, she makes me cry out of joy and sadness. She reminds me of Lyssa and I. And that's why no matter how much she pushes me away, she always lures me back to her. Because she gives me emotional distachment anxiety. Because she makes me feel sad when I haven't spoken to her in a while. She makes me miss her, and thats the thing about Jennifer. Once you become her friend, or even as close as we are, you can't get rid of her. And I'm glad I can't. I love the little weird shit with her eyes she does when she laughs. I love how she makes me feel confident about myself, and knows exactly what to say to me. I fucking love her. Honestly. And I'll always be 700% grateful I get to call her my bestfriend. Even if she doesn't consider me that anymore, I'll always have her stuck in that missing part of my heart. (Black socks?)
     I'd like to thank everyone who's commented on here, voted for this, added this to their library, everyone who has taken the time out of their day to comment on this book. Just everyone. I love each and everyone of you. Hopefully my writing is like, way fucking better than this book now. Cause it would really suck if I continue to write like shit.

Gotta Blast,
Heilly. (ogcameron)

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