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[ P A R T O N E ]

here's the attempted successful long awaited chaper of unknown. i really don't understand y u guys like this book its sucks fml.

listen to cam's new song "she bad" and skate's new mixtape twenty fifteen. happy fourtwenty bitches ;)

and follow ahdventure just cause. ilysm.



my eyes roamed the theatre that had barely enough space for anyone else as i awkwardly played with the bottom of my crotchet top's random loose string. i was currently waiting for gilinsky, who had went to buy the food before the movie began. i took my phone out my little backpack and unlocked it, immediately turning that excruciatingly bright screen.

soon enough, as i roamed through the endless and meaningless posts of instagramers from my hometown, i felt a presence sit down in the seat next to mine, not wearing what jack had on. i scrunched up my eyebrows and lifted my head up, coming face to face with a boy who looked no younger than 15.. a bit too young for me.

"yes?" i asked, slightly confused. i would understand if there were no available seats aside from mine that were empty, but of all these gaps in this middle row; you decide on mine? what the actual fuck.

"hey babe, the name's dylan. dylan dauzat." he attempted to smirk, making me snicker and press my lips into a thin line.

"and i'm arabella, the girlfriend of jack." i smiled winningly. he didn't seem to be phased by my response as he moved an inch closer to me and wrapped his scrawny pale arms on the back of my chair. i scooted over a bit, feeling very uncomfortable.

"that's cool. i'm having a party tonight after this junk of a movie. wrap something tight around that body, gorgeous."

"the only thing that'll be wrapping around anyone's body is her legs around my waist tonight. back the fuck off, dauzat." cue the studio audience applause, because here arrived my "boyfriend" (even though we aren't even official) jack finnegan gilinsky. i struggled to keep in a laugh as he sat on the other side of me, eyeing the hell out of that dylan guy.

"anyway's babe, before this dude inter-"

"get the fuck out of here." jack gritted through his clenched jaw, making me a bit moist if you catch my drift. i licked my lips and grabbed his now pale fists, forcing our fingers to intertwine.

"daddy, relax alright?" i whispered into his ear. the grip around his hand loosened up slightly as he still red face and clenched jaw turned towards the screen, showing previews for movies that will come out in atleast three years. i turned my head towards dylan, with my nose scrunched up in disgust as the cold metal of my piercing touched my skin.

"look, dylan, how old are you?" i was clearly frustrated, and i'm sure both g and dylan could realize it, by the way dylan's face softened, while jack's grip on my hand tightened as he rubbed soothing cirlce patterns on my hand.

i waited for dylan's answer, until he finally removed his arm and placed them on his lap. i sighed a mental sigh of relief as i turned my body more towards him, but not releasing jack's hand.

"i turn 15 in about, 3 months. it that enough for me to get a chance with you?" he rambled. i shook my head, smiling a bit as i leaned my head towards gilinsky.

"i already have someone."i looked up at gilinsky, as he turned and our eyes met. a smile rose to his lips, making the same appear on my face.

"sorry dylan, you're about 4 years behind your game." i joked. he laughed a bit and turned back around, hiding his blush. we were almost ten minutes through commercial, and jack kept complaining about it, until i turned towards a sad looking dylan.

"what's wrong dylan?" i asked, pinching his soft cheeks. he smiled slightly, averting his brown eyes to his lap.

"i literally just made a fucking fool of myself." he said, lowly. i pouted, as i turned towards gilinsky with a soft expression as he scoffed and turned his head back to his phone.

"well, you did approach me rather.. douche-y." i said truthfully. he let put a small laugh, nodding his head in agreement. the lights dimmed, as i saw dylan stand up awkwardly, making his back to his old seat. i grabbed the arm that was wrapped around my chair before.

"dylan?" i said. he turned around quickly, a confused look on his face.

"yeah arabella?" a small smile arose to my lips as i rubbed his hand and bit my bottom lip.

"next time, be a gentleman." i emphasized. he chuckled lightly, and walked out the row and down the rows to where his friends were. i turned back towards jack, as he looked at me at the same time with a faint smile on his face.

"i was about three seconds from punching him in the face earlier, you know that right?" he hissed. i was about to laugh until i saw that he was serious. the screen began playing the beginning of the credits in the movie, as i playfully slapped his arm, kissing him on the cheek and turning back to the movie. after a few minutes of talking and dramatic effects, 50 Shades Of Grey appeared on the screen, and i let out a muffled laugh at the look on jack's face.

pure fucking misery. even though this was his idea..

- after the movie // on the drive to the next destination -

time : 8:38 + jack gilinsky's point of view

"jaack, how much longer!?" arabella groaned, making me smile in pure satisfaction. my hands found the radio as i turned it on, and a song by me and johnson popped up, right where you are.

"HOLY FUCK JACK WE MET TO THIS SONG!" she screamed, making me smile. we blasted the song and sang along, arabella surprisingly rapping to johnson's part entirely. i looked at her as she rapped with so much damn passion. i smiled to myself, thinking about how cute she looked.

"jack it's your part!" she said over the loud music, making me take my eyes off the road for a few seconds just look at her gorgeous face.

"girl i've been grindin' all day, just so i can grind wit', you all night.." i sang to her, making her smile fade as we stared at eachother.

"and now i'm drivin', on my way, i'm on a mission boo, i'm whippin' through this traffic tryna' get to you so.." my hand found her thigh as i squeezed, placing my free hand on the top of the steering wheel. we drove in a very thick tension as we made eye contact every now and then.

"jack.." she began, making me lower 'she don't know' by johnson and skate and turn my eyes between her and the road.

"yeah, princess?" i questioned. i began rubbing lines on her thigh with my thumb as she twirled some hair in her hand.

"i want to fuck." i choked on some saliva, losing control of the wheel suddenly, but gained it quickly. we were one of the like, five people on the road right now as i removed my arm from her thigh and scratched the back of my neck, feeling my dick twitch. [A/N: IM LAFING Y HEILLY.]

"we still have a few more things to do before we get ho-"

"i don't want to go home." she said seriously, not removing her eyes from the front window. what the shit is going on right now? i've never seen her like this.. my eyes circled the outside view as i stopped the car, wanting to not worry about crashing the car and speaking to bella.

that was, until i heard her seatbelt unbuckle, and her shirt flying to the back of the jeep and she was sitting down facing me.

"i want to fuck here."


someone guess what part two is gonna be like ;')

- ogcameron.

unknown (gilinsky au)Where stories live. Discover now