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haven't updated in forever so here's a short shitty update for you guyss. merry late christmas and happy early new year. btw i read your comments and you guys make me cry of laughter omf ily all xoxo still sorry

"it's daddy maloley to you." he said smoothly. i gulped loudly, covering my chest from the small amout of cleavage since "maloley's" eyes averted down.

"you must be arabella." he said smirking. i looked around, realizing we were the only two in the studio.. he placed his soft hands on the edge of my chin, making me look at him.

"don't be scared. gilinsky'll be here in a bit. i just don't really think he.." he paused and smiled at me deviously. "fully needs you as much as i do."

i shook my head in discomfort as i blinked.

"uh...um.. yes my name is arabella. where's gilinsky?" going from silent to sassy in atleast zero point one second.

"he's coming in a bit. the hell i already told you that!" he exclaimed as i rolled my eyes.

"where is he "maloley?" i asked, showing my frustration. he chuckled as he threw himself back on the red soft couch.

"my name is nate, babe. but i'd rather go by skate. but when it's a hot ass chick like you, daddy is most preferred." i shifted my weight to my right leg as i crossed my arms and lifted my eyebrows.

"i would never call you daddy." i said snickering. he furrowed his eyebrows, a slight smile on his face as he sat with his hands folded infront of him.

"you won't be saying that tonight am i correct?" he licked his lip as i laughed sarcastically.

"don't you mean you'll be on your knees begging me to give you the slightest amount of my affection?" i grabbed his cheeks inbetween my hands playing his cheeks in a baby voice.

"sowwy widdle baby. i dont date fuckboys." i smirked back as i sat down next to him folding my legs and opening my phone. i felt eyes staring at me as i turned and saw nate smiling slightly at me.

"i see you met skate?" a deep voice said, and i could practically hear the smirk behind the sentence. i shoved my phone in my pocket as i stood up, flattening the hem of my skirt. i looked up and saw the lights of heaven as a sexual greek god looked at me with these ever so perfect eyebrows in the average fuckboy attire: a white teeshirt with khaki shorts, white nike high socks and black vans.

"you must be arabella..?" he said smoothly, walking closer. of course as the inneridiot i am, i moved back before realizing i was right infront of the couch, and ended up almost falling backwards.

that was until the gorgeous god saved me, with skate laughing in the background on his way out.

"bye bro, see ya later. and bye arabella." he said as he waved and winked, and walked out the studio. still in his arms, he picked me up and grabbed my waist causing me to stumble and come face to face with him.

the soft chocolate eyes squinted a bit as the dark gorgeous eyebrows moved, a large smile formed on his face.

"i'm jack. jack gilinsky."

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