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follow @-cartahh or the babadook will get you. (that movie was creepy as fuck aowka.)

very long.. I want to thank you all for those messages and comments. I know I don't respond to all of them, but I see them all, and i've never cried of happiness (unless it's for the boys lols) and you guys showed me different. thank you so much, honestly. I love you guys so much. you all deserve those random three thirty in the morning texts stating how much someone loves and appreciates you and if no one sends you those then imagine it's me. i fucking love you guys holy shit.

i apologize for the previous and following disgrace of a chapter. haha. enjoy xox.

btw this is just a filler for jacks thoughts of what happened in the last chapter. forgive me lol.


{message received! at 8:39 pm}

8:39 [jack] arabella.

8:40 [arabella] yes?

8:41 [jack] are you mad at me?

8:43 [jack] helloooo.

8:45 [arabella] what gilinsky?

8:46 [jack] we're in the same fucking house. why is this such an issue babygirl?

8:46 [arabella] i think your autocorrect isn't working. it's arabella lol.

8:47 [jack] i have it set to calling you babygirl cause thats what you are to me . my babygirl .

8:47 [arabella] seriously, stop being a pussy and tell me what you want.

8:49 [jack] come downstairs.

{message read! at 8:50 pm}


third person

arabella stared at her phone as she slipped her cold hand out of her sweatpants. (a/n: she wasn't masturbating afjagk i do that all the time to warm my hands up lol. nasty shits.) she sighed, as she threw her hair up in a random disoriented bun, and took some of her bangs out to frame her face, as she walked towards the stairs. when she arrived at the bottom, she came face to face with the exposed and toned back of jack gilinsky. he had on some black basketball shorts, and white high socks, thats it. his hair in its usual messy, but attractive updo.

while arabella looked like a distressed oscar from sesame street. her hair in a random bun, light grey sweatpants, a white spaghetti strap shirt that was a bit tight, and black socks. no make up, and she had bags under her eyes, of thats what she was sure of. but it was jack, she didn't care. she cleared her throat, gaining an offguard jack's attention.

"oh, bella. you actually listened to me.." he said shockingly. arabella rolled her eyes as she threw herself down on the couch, one hand going back in her pants as gilinsky stiffened a bit, joining her on the soft couch.

"why'd you call me down here?" she asked, annoyance strongly evident in her tone. she wasn't in the mood, since he literally just rejected her.

"i came to ask you if a movie would spark your fancy." gilinsky said, putting an awkward face on. arabella couldn't hide the small giggle from coming out of her slightly parted lips. a smile formed on jack's lips as he reached over to his phone and used chromecast to play the movie paranormal activity.

"we're watching all the movies tonight if you don't mind." he said smiling deviously. arabella wasn't fazed though, due to her watching that movie literally five times each. alone. in the dark. she doesn't care fam. (a/n: im sorryaiqnq)

"cool with me." she said dully. the movie played, as gilinsky and arabella sat there quietly, all attention pulled onto the screen. well, that's what ara thought. jack's full attention was on her. he was staring at her. as her hand was prancing around in her pants, and her innocent focused face stuck on. he traced his eyes down her long black hair, down to her breasts, down to her stomach, down her legs, and back up to her flawless face. he couldn't get enough of her.

he may not necessarily show it, but he quite frankly wanted her. why he said no? he wasn't sure. he didn't like the female being more dominant than him. he perfered him being incharge, him being the man. and arabella proposing how much she wanted to have sex was an automatic blue card on her dominance. and he wasn't with it.

"eyes on the movie jack." she said, her attention not leaving the movie.

"hands out your pants arabella." he mocked her. arabella scoffed at his childishness.

"i wouldn't have to if yours were in it instead. but we saw how that worked out." she blankly said. jack caught his breath in his throat.

he smirked soon after, slowly moving his arm closer to arabella. seeing she wasn't paying attention to him, he continued moving, until it lay on her thigh. he felt her shake a bit, and a smile reached his lips. he moved them higher, near her area as her leg began to shake. he inched his face towards her ear and took a soft breath.

"stop shaking princess." he said slowly.

but arabella didn't look affected. of course, in the inside she was screaming, but on the outside she was emotionless. she wasn't going to give him the attention he longed for from her. she was going to give him what he gave her. jack on the other hand, was. being frustrated as he sat back in defeat.

he was craving her. every inch of her. her small waist, her nice hips. her nice ass. her nice breast. her semi-thick thighs. her long lucious hair. her nice plump and soft lips. her sweet voice that screams his name. he couldn't take it anymore. he threw himself ontop of her, as arabella looked at him in shock and in confusion.

"what are you doing jack?" she asks plainly. jack attacked her lips, as they began tongue wrestling while his hands explored her body like his name was dora. her hands reached his hair as she tugged on it slowly, a groan leaving his lips. he pulled away, observing her face as she panted for air, him as well.

"i regret saying no. i regret it. i want you." inbetween each word, he pecked her lips gently. a smiled tugged at her lips as she placed her hands from his hair to his chest without lifting them off his body. she knew that drove him crazy, basically explaining why she did it.

"well guess what, daddy?" she smirked, flipped them over as he took in the fact that she was ontop of him. as said earlier, he doesn't do dominance. but he had no choice but to sit through it.

she straddled his lower waist, hands on his bare chest as she flipped her hair to the side and bit her lip. jack groaned at her, his hands roughly grabbing her ass. the frustration was killing him. she trailed kisses slowly from his chest, to his neck, (leaving a large hickey) to his cheek, a small peck on his lips, and she blew softly in his ear. all the while, jack groaned and said her name, satisfaction taking the best of him.

"i'm pretty tired, so i'll be off to bed." she whispered into his ear as she jumped off him and ran off.

jack stood on the couch, a look of disgust on his face. she did it. she teased him to the extreme. jack slowly got up, his face never leaving, as he stood up and slowly followed her.


short but pls dont hate me lol. ily.


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