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new books coming on the way. gone is competed btw ; w/ no sequel )-': it ended that way for a reason so dont be confused haha. be on the luck for lots of sexual shit hehe xox ily. this one longer than the usual too.

i admired his face as he sang. his eyes closed, his mouth shaping perfectly towards each word and beat. the way the veins popped out his neck.

the way his oddly sharp yet attractive jawline moved to the words. the way his gorgeous eyebrows furrowed towards mid-word. the little crinkles between those eyebrows. his white pearly teeth. his veins popping out his arms as he ran his fingers through the perfectly yet messly shaped hair.

his voice was the voice of a million gods soaked into one voicebox. it was like hearing gold. you can't, but it sure as hell is just as valuable as seeing. simply because no one else could attempt to, it's only a one of a kind person. and jack's that one of a kind.


"how was it?" he asked, removing the headphones and looking at me, smiling contagiously. i returned it, since it's hard not too.

"perfect." i said. he cheesed, a tint of red reaching his strong cheekbones. he walked out and sat down right next to me, in the second swirly chair infront of all the controls.

"can you sing?" he asked, looking at me curiously. i laughed, probably like a dying horse.

"hell to the no. i sound like i'm an elephant seeing a mouse." i weirdly compared. he laughed, as i smiled at him laughing, the gorgeous sound. i don't get how i'm standing infront of this.. i don't deserve his presence.

"well that's weird. i was thinking that too." he died down. my eyes widened as he was smirking slightly at me. i bit my lip and blushed a bit. he sat up, his face closer towards me.

"i don't think i deserve such a beauty like you arabella." he said smoothly. i rolled my eyes.

"gilinsky, please. you're a god. i'm a peasant in rags." the song he was singing to began to play, as he jumped up and grabbed my arm attempting to pull me up.

"whaat are you doing?" i groaned. he looked at me with all the seriousness in the world.

"dance with me." he said. i bit my lip, restraining from smiling. he pulled me extremely close as he placed his arms on my lower waist as i placed mine on his neck. i had my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat and feeling the vibration as he sang along. we swayed gently, him playing in my hair and me enjoying the sound.

"and all i'm asking youu to do right noww is, girll just stay right wheree you aree." i hummed along also, smiling through the words.

as every good moment comes to an end, his dumbass moved a bit to back, hitting the red couch and falling ontop of it, dragging me ontop and hitting his head on the wall. he groaned in pain and the room was left in silence with only the song playing.

we errupted in laughs, causing me to roll off of him and hold my stomach in pain.

"th-that was h-hil-hilarious oh my god." he struggled to say. after a few seconds i got up, helping jack up. checking my phone, i saw that it was 10:12 pm.

"aw jack, i need to go home." i said. he pouted, as i poked his cheek.

"why now?" he whined. i giggled.

"i can't stay forever guhlinsky." i exaggerated, placing my hand over my forehead.

"i wish you could." he said sweetly as he locked our arms together, walking us out the studio.

i looked, smiling contagiously as i rolled my eyes. we walked out, making small talk until i realized something thats been in the back of my head all day.

"jack gilinsky i have an important question to ask." i said in a weird proper voice. he swing our arms together as he mimicked the voice.

"what might that be you majesty?"

"how in the bloody hell did you get my number." the mixture of a smile and a gasp came out of his mouth, obviously caught lacking.

"honest answer or a lie?" he replied. i pretended to think.

"hit me with that honest answer." i said jokingly. jack, being the gentleman he just now showed me he is, held the building door open for me and i thanked him. we locked arms again and walked over to my car.

"i was supposedly getting my friend madison's number, but that didn't exactly work out. i ended up with yours. and i'm glad." he smiled at the end. we ended up infront of my car, and turned towards eachother.

our eyes met as we stood there, smiles fading since we were so deep into eachothers pools of darkness. the reflection of the moon and streetlights illuminated his features and eyes. he broke contact, quickly pacing them to my lips and eyes back and forth contemplating something.

"uhh, you should probably go.. i-it's getting pretty... uhh, late." he broke the silence, rubbing the back of his neck. i mentally frowned for some reason as i unlocked my car and opened the door.

"um yeah.. i-uh, i should. goodbye jack." i said sweetly. he smiled and returned the goodbye, as he turned around. i shut the door and threw my head back on the seat, sighing.

i wonder why he didn't kiss me. it's not like i wanted him to, which i did, but then again we just met in person. but he sent me the international fucking signal of kissing, and the little fuckboy had the nerve to tell me i have to go.

as i contemplated my thoughts, my phone buzzed. i furrowed my eyebrows and took the phone out, unlocking it immediately.


{new message! recieved at 10:25 pm}

10:25 [jack] i miss you already. be safe babygirl, and see you again. <3.

{message read! at 10:25 pm}


arabella smiled as she reread the message over and over again. finally realizing she had to leave, she started the engine and driving off. the smile not leaving neither one of their faces for the rest of the night.

unknown (gilinsky au)Where stories live. Discover now