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{message sent! at 7:45 pm}

6:45 [arabella] you stood me up. you fucking stood me up. i waited in there for two fucking hours. and i had to walk home for more than a fucking hour in the pouring rain. just because you stood me up.

6:50 [jack] angelface...

6:52 [arabella] it's arabella to you nigga.

6:52 [jack] angelface , i just don't think you're ready enough to see me yet.

6:53 [arabella] are you fucking serious?!

6:53 [arabella] you know what.

6:53 [arabella] i'm done.

6:53 [arabella] i have something to say about you to mr.jack fucking gilinsky.

6:54 [jack] yesssss babygirl?

7:01 [arabella] jack i fell for you. i was anxious to speak to you. i had you in my mind, regardless whether i knew you or not. you were someone apart of me. in, like you said, 4 days. what you did today, hurt me. you stood me up. you left me there looking stupid and getting this sympathetic looks from the old ladies and old couples. i had 2 walk up to me telling me i deserve better. and you know what i said? about some fucking guy who i met 4 days ago and i STILL don't know what he looks like? that he's perfect. he's the one who treated me the way i'm supposed to be treated. i'm sure something came up. i'm very fucking sure something came up. but wanna know something gilinsky? i'm done. with you. with this, whatever tf it is. you frustrated me so much i can't.

7:02 [jack] you can never stay away from me. we're meant to be now babygirl. we love eachother.

7:03 [arabella] fuck you gilinksy.

7:03 [jack] my pleasure.

7:03 [arabella] egolistical asshole.

{message read at 7:04 pm}

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