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i've been sad lately and it's been so bottled up. i'm writing a really sad story on my co-acc. @andrizzy so if you fw stories that will probs make you cry you should read it. hopefully you dont mind who its about. it's called

i guess. enjoy? Idek.


This Skips a few weeks in.


"gilinsky, i will shoot your fucking face off if you do not hand me back my fucking phone." i heard her sweet, angelic voice growl at me, as i continued to sit inside of the wrath of cozy, comfort, and safety from the bathroom. i was currently taking ridiculously hot pictures on her phone, making sure to record when she bangs on the door.

"no thank you." i sing-songed, earning a groan of frustration through the thin wood. after my 40 pictures, i unlocked the door, a smug smirk rising against my lips. i knew i had won, she knew i won, we both knew that i fucking won. and i was pretty damn proud about it.

"six months." she mumbled, making my triumphant face to fall in confusion. her back was against the wall infront of the bathroom, and she was glaring at me.

"i've been with your dumbass six months, and yet i always forget your first resort is the bathroom." she sneered. a warm little chuckle left my lips as i handed her the phone back, as her fingers snatched them out of mine. i followed her out to her living room, since this is practically where most of our relationship has been spent.

after leaving the date a few months ago, we've gotten a lot stronger, and better at the whole "relationship" thing. i sat down across from her, staring at her cute little mad face.

"sam and alex want to come over. do you mind?" she questioned, looking up from her phone. i shrugged, admiring her gorgeous lips as they moved, mumbling whatever she was typing.

"why don't we just invite the entire crew over?" i asked, my attention still on her lips. she licked them slowly, making me clench my jaw, and tighten my grip on the edge of the couch. she seemed to pay no mind, as she nodded her head and continued typing.

i've been without sex for nearly two weeks, simply because everytime i bring it up, arabella's not in the mood. and it's been killing me. she walks around the house in the shortest and tightest shorts and some croptop, or wearing one of my shirts with no pants. and yet she has the nerve to complain about how i always want sex. as if the sight of her legs doesn't make my dick twitch.

"they'll be here in like, 40 minutes." she said, not the slightest hint of emotion in her voice. i shrugged, not knowing how to respond, as she glanced up at me, and back at her phone before locking it and throwing it on the couch. a sigh left her soft pink lips as she stood up and sat next to me.

"jack, baby, what's wrong with you?" she asked softly. i looked up at her incredulously, my lips parted and eyebrows furrowed. i'm a 19 year old sex-crazed teenage boy who needs his needs to be fufilled, and here i have a gorgeous, intelligent, thick ass girlfriend who doesn't even let me kiss her neck anymore, and she wonders whats wrong with me?

"are you kidding me right now?" i groaned, rubbing the palm of my over sized hands down my face. say i'm overexaggerating, but like i said, two weeks with no sex equals a very stressed jack. it's very shameful.

her eyes nearly twinkled, as her face fell into a small smirk, as her plump lips quickly curved back to normal. it was as if she knew how she was winning against me. it was as if she was completely aware that i wasn't wanting to take her shit at the moment, and it was as if she knew she was getting under my skin. she was fucking taunting me.

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