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double update like ayyy lmao

{new message recieved! at 3:55 am}

3:55 [jack] you still mad at me?

3:59 [jack] i guess so.

3:59 [jack] i just wanted to help you out

4:03 [jack] my 11:11 wishwas about you

4:04 [jack] i find it hilarious how we barely know eachother , yet i feel so attatched to you.

4:05 [jack] not even cause your different.

4:06 [jack] just cause when my phone rings and i see your name , i smile .

4:06 [jack] you could be sayin that i aint shit

4:07 [jack] you could be callin me a fuck boy

4:07 [jack] and id still smile

4:08 [jack] just cause you responded .

4:08 [jack] that makes me feel some type of way honestly

4:09 [jack] i know your pissed at me cause of that carter shit

4:10 [jack] i wish yall two the best and shit cause carters my boy ,

4:12 [jack] i may be drunk and high af , but im sober enough to text

4:12 [jack] if that even makes sense .

4:13 [jack] but to defend myself ..

4:13 [jack] carter doesnt deserve you .

4:14 [jack] and i wish you could just see .

4:15 [jack] he doesn't need you .

4:15 [jack] i need you .

4:16 [jack] i deserve you .

4:17 [jack] if only you needed me back .

4:23 [jack] goodbye arabe

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