about that sequel..

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sorry if this scared you guys into thinking i'd decided not to write the sequel, i just have a question XD

i know it's been months since i posted the prologue for the sequel, but i didn't wanna start it until i had ideas cause i didn't wanna give up half way.

not that i have many ideas now, but my writers block is never gonna leave so i might as well give it a shot.

i'm just curious about one thing: would you guys rather have the sequel be sonny centric (focusing on his life with mikey and his lingering feelings for andy) or would you rather it be randy centric once again (focusing on andy's attempt at moving on and then rye's return/their reunion) ?

obviously both will include randy, given that this is a randy book after all. i'm just wondering how many of you are actually interested in sonny's character. i could include some flashbacks to their time in overload and how sonny first fell for andy.

just let me know what you guys wanna see. i really miss writing say something so i'm excited to get the sequel started.

love you all,
bye peasants Xx

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