(20) I'm Trying

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Rye's POV

"Look at you two." Brie grinned as the happy couple made their way back over to our table.

"I think we're gonna head back." Andy said and it was only then that I noticed their conjoined hands between them. I frowned, moving my gaze to his face. He was looking at me, supposedly wanting to know if I was okay with them leaving.

"Sure you don't want to stay out for a bit?" Brie asked. "You can have your alone time later."

"I mean, it could be nice to get to know the lady." Sonny suggested.

"Yeah, I feel like we've barely spoken. I want to know more about my best friend's boyfriend."

"We'll go get a drink and join you in a few."

I glared at my girlfriend the minute they left.

"What'd you do that for? Do you really wanna sit here and watch them kiss?"

"You're gonna have to get used to the two of them if you're gonna get your friendship back on track." She pointed out and I sighed. I was fine with Andy being gay, but I wasn't fine with his and Sonny's sudden relationship. When did they get so close?

I was planning something. Something that would put me back in the number one spot in Andy's life. Every year he would try and get tickets to one of the biggest music events of the year and never managed to get them. They were either too expensive or sold out straight away. Lucky for me, my cousin was friends with one of the workers there and could get me a couple of tickets for us both. They were expensive but it was worth it if it gave Andy and I bonding time. I missed my best friend.

The two returned and sat idly as Brianna and Sonny asked each other questions.

"So what do you want to be?"

"A model. Ambitious, I know."

"You're gorgeous enough to make it. Don't worry." Sonny commented.

"I'm not expecting much to happen." She mumbled.

"Why not? You could make it big."

"She said she's gonna give it a go. Stop talking about it!" I snapped.

"Shut up Rye. He's just giving me a bit of encouragement." Brie scolded.

"You gonna be jealous if she makes it?" Sonny teased, earning a glare from me.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Let's not argue." Andy spoke, raising his voice in warning.

I rolled my eyes, pulling my chair away from the table and standing up.

"I'm gonna get another drink."

Andy followed me to the bar, an annoyed look on his face.

"What was that about?"

"I'm sorry." I sighed. "I didn't mean to be rude."

"What's your issue with Sonny? You guys were mates before all of this."

I shrugged. "He just gets on my nerves."

"You two actually have a lot in common, you know? Apart from the fact that you're straight and he's not." He chuckled. I just looked at him.

"Why can't we just have a lads day? Just you and I?"

"Sonny's a lad."

"I know."

"So he's welcome?" Andy challenged. I didn't have it in me to argue with him.

"Yeah. Course."

He payed for his drink, passing Brie on his way back to Sonny.

"What's up babe?" She queried.

"I don't like hanging out with them as a couple."

"What? Because they're both boys?" She gasped.

"No. I'm not bothered about them being gay. I'm bothered that I never see Andy without him anymore. We used to hang out and do guy things like playing football. I wanna go back to those days. I just want my best mate back."

"Telling him that might be a start." She suggested. I leant back against the bar, observing my two band mates who were practically cuddling across the table. I sighed, my mood dropping impossibly lower. I hated the sight before me.

"I don't think Andy needs me anymore."


I got home later that afternoon and wasn't surprised to find Sonny and Andy making out on the older boy's bed. Still, I was too excited to care. I had spent practically all my money on two tickets to the event that night and I couldn't wait to see Andy's face when I told him.

"What's up Rye?" He smiled, pulling away from Sonny who just glared at me.

"Just thought I'd show you these.." I trailed off, wiggling the two tickets in the air.

"No you didn't! What the fuck?!" He exclaimed, snatching the tickets from my hand.

"I thought they were sold out?" Sonny questioned.

"I know some people." I replied smugly, a proud smirk on my face.

"I owe you one." Andy smiled appreciatively.

"I only managed to get two tickets though." I told him.

He frowned. "You didn't get one for Sonny?"

"Babe, it's fine."


"No, I thought we were gonna hang out."

"Go with him."

I shook my head. "No, it's cool. If you two have plans then.."

"I'm glad you understand. You could come with us if you want." Andy offered, although I could tell he wanted to be alone with his boyfriend.

"Nah, I'm good." I sighed. "You two have fun."

He nodded, giving me a small smile as he held out his hand for Sonny.

"Let's get going then."

Sonny smiled awkwardly at me as they left, mumbling a 'goodbye' as they went. I dropped onto his bed with a defeated sigh. This was just another thing that would be brushed under the rug. I'd pretend it didn't bother me and he'd carry on being all loved up with Sonny, no room in his mind for his lonely best friend. Ex best friend by the looks of it. He even seemed to be closer to Brianna than me.

I missed how we used to be just months ago. Before we met the girls. Before Andy told me he loved me. Before we kissed at that party. Before Andy came out. Before he started dating Sonny.

Back when life was simple. Before the daily confusion. Before the pain I got in my chest wherever I saw Andy with Sonny. Back when things made sense.

I wanted him back. I wanted my Andy back.

authors note -
another shortish chapter but i really wanted to update for some unknown reason. i'm not even really keen on this book.

bye peasants Xx

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