(11) It's All Lies

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my head is killing me :''''''(

^^have a picture of sasha, my only female doggo. she's cute but she hates me. i'll post pics of bob and eddie in the next two chapters cause why not XD


Andy's POV

Rye didn't come home that night. I was obviously worried, but I wasn't surprised. I knew he didn't want to see me.

I hadn't meant for it to come out like that, but the relief I felt knowing I didn't have to keep it a secret anymore was bigger than the regret. Despite that, I was angry at myself for ruining our friendship. There was no way Rye felt the same, and there was no way he'd still want to be my friend knowing I was in love with him.

I heard a knock on my door and I wiped my eyes, only just coming to terms with the fact that I was crying.

"Come in." I called weakly. Sonny walked in with a smile on his face, frowning as soon as he saw my vulnerable position. I was curled up on the floor next to my bed, holding one of Rye's hoodies to my chest.

"Oh my god, what's wrong Andy?"

"I told him." I mumbled.


I rolled my eyes. "Don't act like you don't know who I'm on about."

He sighed, crouching down in front of me. "You told Rye you love him, didn't you?"

I nodded and he sighed, pulling me into his chest.

"It's okay, Fovvs. How did he react?"

"I didn't give him time to react. I ran away as soon as it came out. But by the looks of it, he isn't happy. I mean, he avoided coming home last night just so he wouldn't have to face me."

"Do you know where he is?"

I shook my head. "He might've stayed at Brianna's place last night, which I doubt since she cheated on him."

He frowned. "Where else could he have gone?"

I shrugged and he pulled out his phone, dialling Rye's number.

"Hey, Rye?" I hadn't expected him to answer the call. I guess he had no problem with Sonny though, so he wouldn't ignore him.

"Where are you mate?"

"I'm at Harvey's." I heard Rye answer through the phone.

"Okay. When are you coming home?"

"Is Andy there?"


"Not until he's gone."

I looked down, tears building up in my eyes once more.

"Mate, I know what happened. If I make Andy leave for a bit, will you come home and talk to me?" Sonny reasoned.

"Yeah, I'm on my way."

He hung up the phone and glanced at me, a pitiful smile on his face.

"I'll go out for a bit then." I stood up, but he stopped me before I could leave.

"No, you need to talk to Rye. Stay in your room until he gets here. I'll tell him you've gone out and you can ambush him."

"I don't know, Ryry. What if he hates me?"

"Andy. Rye is your best friend. He loves you more than anything. He would never let anything come between the two of you."

I nodded and he gave me a quick hug before walking out of my room. Rye didn't come home for about an hour. I jumped up when I heard the front door open. I could hear Sonny talking to him downstairs.

"Just let me take a shower first, yeah?" I heard Rye speak, hearing his footsteps coming closer.

This was my chance.

I opened my bedroom door, almost bumping straight into Rye.

"I thought you had gone out." He groaned.

"I need to talk to you."

"About what?"

"About what happened yesterday."

"I think you made your feelings perfectly clear." He scoffed, trying to push past me. I grabbed his arm to stop him and he turned around, shoving me off him.

"I need you to know that I'm sorry."

"Sorry? You're sorry? You changed everything between us, Andy. There's no way we can go back to the way things were." He shouted.

I thought over what I was about to do, wondering if it was the right choice. But I knew it was the only way to save our friendship.

"I don't love you!"


"I guess I got confused." I muttered, looking down. "We've been so close lately and I guess I just confused friendship feelings with romantic ones."

He stepped closer to me.

"So you're not gay?"

I wanted to tell him yes. I knew I was gay. But if I did then he'd know I was lying about the way felt about him. Having him as a mate would always be better than not having him at all.

"No, I'm not. Please can we just move past this?"

He sighed. "I don't know, Andy. It just feels a bit weird. It's not every day that your best friend declares his love for you."

"Yeah, but I'm not. I'm really not. I love Amelia."

My heart was screaming at me to shut up. To tell him the truth. But I knew the truth wasn't an option.

"If you're completely sure you don't love me and that you're straight, then I guess we can forget the whole thing."

I smiled, pulling him in for a hug. Understandably, he didn't hug back. I awkwardly pulled away and smiled at him.

"Thanks Bee."

He gave me a quick thumbs up and entered the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind him.

"What the fuck was that?"

I spun around and saw Sonny glaring at me.

"I got our friendship back."

"Yeah, by lying to him."

"He's made it pretty clear that he doesn't like me like that. So if this is the only way to keep him in my life, I've got to be okay with it."

"You're only punishing yourself, you know?"

I bit my lip. "Yeah, I know."

"As long as you're sure this is what you want, I won't tell him the truth."

"Thank you Sonny. I'll get over him, I swear."

"With Amelia?"

"I have to stay with her. It would make Rye suspicious if I broke up with her when I've just told him I loved her."

He shook his head, pushing past me.

"It isn't fair on Amelia to use her like this. It isn't fair on Rye to lie to him. It isn't fair on you to lie to yourself." He stated, slamming his bedroom door shut.

I sunk to the ground, resting my back against the wall as I closed my eyes.

He was right.

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