(28) One More Tragedy

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the plot twist in this chapter shocked me, and i'm the one who wrote it, so it'll definitely shock you. i didn't plan for it to happen, but oh well.

enjoy x


Rye's POV

My heart was racing as I knocked on her door. I was finally gonna do it. I was going to break up with Brianna. I had to. I hated how much this was hurting Andy, and it wasn't fair on either of them to carry on the way I was.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" She asked once she opened the door.

"I need to talk to- wait, what's wrong?" I took in her dishevelled appearance, her hair thrown into a messy bun and her face make up free. Her eyes were red and puffy and she had tear stains down her cheek. She wasn't wearing her usual clothes, her short skirts and crop tops long gone as she pulled on the sleeves of her faded grey hoodie, wearing grey jogging bottoms to match.

"This isn't a good time." She croaked. I could tell something was wrong and all thoughts of breaking up with her went out of the window and were replaced with worry and concern for a girl I still loved.

"Tell me what's happened."

She opened her mouth to speak but choked on a sob, covering her face with her hands as she broke down in tears once again. I pulled her into my arms, pressing a kiss to the top of her hair as she cried against my chest.

"It's Amelia." She whimpered and my grip tightened.

"What about Amelia?"

"She's dead."


"My dad told me last night when I got back." She explained, grabbing another tissue from the box. We'd decided to go inside after a few minutes of standing at the door. I was too shocked to speak and she was in too much pain to explain what had happened so I let her cry, shedding a few tears myself. Amelia and I had never been the closest of friends, but I liked her. Well, I liked her when she wasn't chasing after Andy constantly.

"Did he say how it happened?"

She shrugged. "All they know is that she went to sleep one night and never woke up."

"Are her family okay? It must be hard to come to terms with."

"I'm heading over there later today to check on them. I just needed some time to get my head around it." She let out a shaky breath, anxiously pulling on her hair. "I can't believe she's gone. My best friend is dead and I didn't even get to say goodbye."

"Hey, it's okay. Come here." I soothed, throwing an arm over her shoulders. She rested her head against me, her hand finding its way into mine.

"I'm glad I still have you. I don't think I'd be able to get through this if I didn't have you by my side."

"Don't worry." I spoke, pressing my lips to the top of her head. "I'm not going anywhere."


Andy's POV

It was around 5pm and I was sat playing Xbox in my room when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey." Sonny smiled. I raised an eyebrow, gesturing for him to come in.

"Are you okay?" I questioned, unable to understand why he was talking to me. I was adamantly certain he'd ignore me for a while.

He shrugged, playing with the ring on his finger as he looked around my room. "Just wanted to see you."

"But why?"

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