(22) Do We Have a Future?

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Andy's POV

It was the day after Sonny and I had slept together and I was in a bit of an awkward situation. Months ago, before Sonny and I had gotten together and before everything had become weird between Rye and I, I had organised a visit to see my mum. However, back then I had invited Rye to join me like he usually did. But now I wanted my mum to meet Sonny as my boyfriend, not just as a band mate, but Rye wasn't too happy about the change of plans.

"But I always come with you to your mum's!" He argued, glaring at Sonny over my shoulder. "Why should he get to take my place?"

"Cause he's my boyfriend. I want them to get to know each other."


"Baby, it's fine." Sonny interrupted, resting a reassuring hand on my shoulder as Rye scowled. "Take Ryan. I can always go with you next time."

"Why can't I take both of you?" I asked. "I'm sure mum wouldn't mind."

"No way!" They both said at the same time.

"I'm not going on a trip with him." Rye spat, looking at Sonny as though he was the scum of the earth.

"Look, you two used to be best friends before all this. What happened?"

Neither of them answered but their silence was enough to tell me that it was my fault they weren't friends anymore. I had come between them with my love for them both.

I sighed. "Please. Surely you can get along for a trip? For me?"

Rye's eyes softened and Sonny squeezed my shoulder.


I spun around, smiling up at my boyfriend.



I pulled him into a kiss, Rye making gagging noises until we pulled away.

"Fine, I'll come." He gave in and I smiled, pulling him into a hug with my hand still in Sonny's.


I thought I'd made the right decision by choosing to introduce my mum and my boyfriend. Turns out that was a big mistake. My mum may have seemed all prim and proper, but I forgot that she was the most embarrassing woman alive.

We walked straight inside, not bothering to knock as my mum knew we were coming.

"Baby, it's good to see you!" She grinned, pulling me into a hug.

"I missed you mum." I mumbled, tightening my grip before letting go.

"I missed you too son. Rye, it's so nice to see you again."

"Hi Les." He beamed, letting her hug him before she turned to Sonny.

"Ah, you must be Sonny."

I sighed at her mispronunciation. "It's pronounced Sunny."

"Ah, my mistake. It's lovely to properly meet you."

The two had met before, but only briefly. They had never had a proper conversation before so I was anxious to see how this went down.

"I remember when you brought Amelia over. Who would've thought things would turn out like this?"

"Hey, stick a blonde wig on him and make him lose a few pounds. It'll be just like old times." Rye smirked as Sonny frowned.

"Are you calling me fat? Is he calling me fat?"

My mum let out a loud laugh, taking their bittering as just playful banter.

"Did Andy tell you that the couple next door are lesbians? So I'm very used to homosexuals."

I closed my eyes as Sonny laughed, wishing that hadn't just happened. I opened my eyes to see Sonny grinning at me as Rye cracked a smile.

I had a feeling I'd regret bringing them here.


"So as I said, Andy didn't have a male role model growing up. Maybe that's why he turned out the way he did."

"What? Gorgeous and intelligent?"

I blushed, my eyes never leaving my lap. We had just finished eating and we were all sat in the living room so we could catch up.

"No, I just mean-" she was thankfully cut off by her phone ringing, excusing herself into the other room so that she could answer the call.

"Thank you." I said, lifting my head to meet Sonny's gaze.

"For what?"

I shrugged. "Being you."

He smiled, wrapping one arm around my waist. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He pressed his lips to mine and I ignored the burning feeling of Rye's glare as I enjoyed the moment. That was the first time we had said 'I love you' since we started dating and it was relieving how easy it was to admit.

"What are you looking at?" Sonny questioned, turning to Rye who had a scowl on his face.

"Nothing." He muttered, quickly standing up. "I'm gonna go facetime Brianna. I'm staying in the guest room, right?"

I nodded and he left without another word.

"So does that mean I'm staying in your room?" Sonny smirked, nuzzling his nose into my cheek. I chuckled, tilting his head to peck his lips.

"Of course. I need someone to cuddle."

He smiled at me, eyes filled with nothing but pure love and adoration.

Rye had broken my heart by rejecting me, but Sonny fixed it. He made me feel as though I was enough for someone, and that was the best feeling in the world. I truly believed we could have a future, if only I could get the Beaumont boy out of my head.

I loved Sonny. I truly did. But a part of me knew I'd always love Rye that tiny bit more, and I had never felt worse about anything in my entire life.

authors note -
short filler chapter but i swear you're gonna love the next one. i won't spoil it, but there's randy.

bye peasants Xx

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