(32) I Choose You

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Rye's POV

"When did it start?" She asked, playing with the ends of her sleeves.

"Not long ago."

"When, Rye?"

I sighed. "When we were at Andy's mum's place."

"I bet you were both having a right laugh at my expense."

"That's not true." I gritted.

"Isn't it?"

"No. I love you Brianna. I haven't been faking anything. I think you're amazing and I'm lucky to have been your boyfriend."

"Just not lucky enough to stay loyal." She mumbled and I sighed.

"Believe me, there's nothing I regret more than cheating on you."

"Then break it off with him."


"I love you Rye and I don't want to lose you. So maybe if you end whatever it is with Andy you've got going on, then maybe we can work past this."

I shook my head. "You didn't let me finish. I regret cheating on you because I love you and you deserve better."

She looked down. "There's a but, isn't there?"

"But I don't regret giving into Andy because I've fallen for him."

She let out a cold laugh."You've fallen for him?" I nodded. "But you love me?" I nodded again. "How the fuck does that work, Rye?"

"I don't know." I sighed. "No one understands how hard this is for me."

She bit her lip, shuffling closer to take my hand in hers.

"Then talk to me. Explain everything that's going on in your head and maybe I can help."

"You really want that?"

She shrugged. "Not really but I care about you, so if it means hearing about your feelings for another guy, then I'll listen. I want to help you and, at the end of the day, I just want you to be happy."

I sent her a smile. Harper was right. I had this great girl next to me who was mine to love, and I'd ruined that by falling for a boy.

But when I thought about Andy, I couldn't bring myself to regret any of it.


Andy's POV

"So what now?" I said to no one in particular. We were all waiting impatiently for Rye and Brianna to come out and I was anxious to find out if he had chosen to be with me or not. Our secret may have been revealed, but there was still a chance that things wouldn't work out in my favour. Rye was still a scared, confused little boy. Being outed about his love for a guy didn't change that. It would devastate me to find out he'd chosen her, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I wouldn't blame him for picking the easier option. I'd just cry a lot and probably avoid him.

"What's taking them so long?" I frowned, knee bouncing up and down in anticipation.

"Hey, she's just found out her boyfriend's been cheating on her. It's not gonna be a quick conversation, is it? Especially since you made it more complicated by being a boy."

"Thanks Sonny. I should've just made it easier for everyone and been born a girl." I stated and he let out a soft chuckle.

"I mean, I can't lie to you. That would've been easier. Not just for the not-so-happy-couple in there, but for me too."

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