(29) Caught in the Act

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hands up if last chapter surprised you :)


Andy's POV

Everything felt numb as I sat there, dressed up in a black suit and staring straight ahead. People were rushing around me but it felt as though time stood still, no one bothering to give me a second thought as they got ready for the funeral.

I may not have loved Amelia the way she loved me, but I cared about her. A lot. It hurt knowing I never got to say goodbye. I'd never see her again. She probably thought I hated her. I didn't. How could I? That'd make me a hypocrite. Sonny didn't blame me for falling for Rye, so how could I blame her for falling for me? She just had a hard time getting over me, that's all. It isn't her fault. Like Sonny said, love is something way out of our control.

"Andy, you ready?" It was neither Rye or Sonny who checked up on me, Brooklyn resting a friendly hand on my shoulder. I shook myself out of my thoughts, nodding at him before shaking my head.

"How can I be? How do you even prepare yourself for something like this?" I whispered. He took a seat beside me, his hand sliding down to rest on my back.

"Well, you remember how much you adored Amelia and you focus on the good times you had with her instead of the bad times. Amelia was a really nice girl and I liked her a lot. Just because none of us knew her very well, doesn't mean we're not sad to see her go."

I nodded, trying to control my breathing as my thoughts wandered to Brianna and how she must be taking all this. Amelia was her best friend and she was bound to be devastated. I couldn't be the one to hurt her more. Not today.

That's why, just before we set off, I grabbed Rye's arm to pull him back, whispering in his ear.

"Be there for her. Sit by her side and hold her hand through it all. Today is about Amelia, not us. But you better break up with her soon, I swear to god."

He visibly gulped and I let go of him, heading towards the car.


The ceremony was sweet, but I felt so out of place. It seemed as though everyone was judging me, when in actual fact, no one even knew me. It was only her mum and her brother Kai who'd had any idea what happened between Amelia and I. Of course they weren't overjoyed to see me there, but they weren't about to make a scene at their daughter/sister's funeral. Besides, they knew we were mainly there to support Brianna.

I had no idea why Brooklyn, Harper and Jack had come, but maybe I did. They'd gotten to know both of the girls overtime, taking a shining to the two of them. It wasn't hard to tell that Harper had a crush on Brianna, but he was nice enough not to make a move on her whilst she was still dating Rye.

"Hey, you okay?"

I was so deep in my thoughts that I hadn't even realised Rye had approached me. I let out a sigh, not even bothering to lie to him as I shook my head.

"I know it isn't my fault and us being here wouldn't have stopped this from happening, but I still feel guilty. We were supposed to be Amelia's best friends and we ditched her at her time of need."

"Hey, baby, don't cry." He soothed, wrapping his arms around my neck, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Rye, what are you doing?" I whispered sternly, eyes darting around the room for any onlookers.

"Don't worry, nobody will suspect a thing. They know how close we are-"

"Were." I interrupted, stepping back so that his arms fell from my shoulders. He rolled his eyes.

"-and they're not gonna judge me for comforting my best friend on a day like today, are they?"

There it was. The only meaningful title I'd ever hold when it came to Ryan Beaumont.

Best friend.

"Well, as your best friend, I'd advise you to go find your girlfriend before she comes looking for you." I stated bitterly, turning to walk away from him. He stopped me before I could leave, checking no on was watching before pulling me into a nearby bathroom.

"Why are you mad at me?" He frowned once the door was shut.

"I'm not." I mumbled.

"You are. Don't lie to me Fovvs. You really think I can't read you like a book?"

I groaned, rubbing my eyes with the palms of my hands.

"We're just never gonna get past the stage of sneaking around, are we?"

His eyes softened as he tried to reach out to me, but I stepped back.

"I'm trying Fovvs. I really am."

"I get that Bee." I smiled sadly at him. "I'm just not sure you're ready to be with a guy."

His eyes widened and, this time, he grabbed me before I could stop him, holding both of my cheeks and tilting my head up to look him in the eyes.

"I love you Andy." He said. "It's you I love. You told me to wait until Brianna stops grieving before I break up with her."

"But she's never gonna stop, is she? She'll always be grieving because she's lost her best friend. And I feel for her, I really do. But it's just another excuse you'll use to put it off and I can't do this anymore. I can't sit here and wait for you to decide you want to be mine."

"What are you saying?"

I closed my eyes, sighing in contentment as he pressed his lips to mine.

"Please don't leave me." He whispered against my lips, kissing me again. As much as I wanted to pull back, I couldn't. I was in love with him and he was my one weakness, so I let myself give him to him once again, despite knowing it'd just hurt me in the long run.

We were so caught up in each other that we didn't hear the door open, only pulling away from one another after we heard Sonny's shrill voice.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

We stared at him with wide eyes like a couple of deers caught in headlights, the taller boy shaking his head in disappointment.

"You're actually cheating on Brianna? Today of all days?" He glared pointedly at Rye, not giving me a second look as he spoke. "I always knew you were a shit person Ryan. I guess this proves it."

authors note -
please don't be mad at sonny. the only reason he dislikes rye is because of how much he's hurt andy. at the end of the day, andy's happiness is the only thing he cares about.

bye peasants Xx

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