(3) Let's Write a Horror Story

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the pov changes in this chapter piss me off but they're necessary


Andy's POV

"Just ask her out!" I rolled my eyes as I watched Rye pace back and fourth.

"But what if she says no?"

"She won't. She's into you. You're into her. Just ask her out." I sighed, begining to get annoyed with Rye's panicking. Brianna was a really lovely girl, and her and I had become good friends over the last few days. Amelia and I were friends too, but it was slightly awkward since we were both as shy as each other.

"Well, can you ask Amelia out? It'll be better if it's all four of us." He requested, sitting down beside me on my bed.

"I barely know her. She'll think I'm a creep."

"No she won't. She's into you. Are you into her?"

I shrugged, thinking for a second before I slowly nodded my head.

He jumped up. "I'm just gonna ask her out. It's not that hard, right? What have I got to lose? Other than the girl I'm pretty sure I'm falling for. What if-"

"Rye, just do it!" I groaned, cutting him off.

"Yeah, come with me?"

I nodded, following him out of the house. All the other boys were doing their own things since we had another free day.

We got in my car and I drove him to Brianna's place. We parked outside and I waited for him to get out.

"You going then?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute."

I sighed, just wanting to go to bed. "Ryan, you're not a child. Either go and ask her out or let's leave."

"Why don't you ring Amelia? We can ask them out together."

"I don't want to ask her out!" I exclaimed, agitated.

"Why not?" He questioned, looking at me for the first time since we arrived.

"I just- I don't know her that well, that's all."

He didn't look convinced, so I changed the subject before he could ask me again.

"Just ask her out Rye, please."

"I will, I just need a moment to-"

"Hey guys."

We looked out of the window to see Brianna leaving her house.

"What are you doing here?"

"Just thought we'd stop by and see what you're up to." He lied, forcing me to suppress an eye roll.

"Oh, I'm nipping to the shop to get some chocolate. Then I have a project to work on for uni."

"Sounds fun." I chuckled.

"It really isn't. If you guys aren't doing anything, would you mind coming inside and helping me with it?"

I looked at Rye, who smiled at her.

"Sure, want us to drive you to the shop?"

"Sounds good." She grinned, joining us in my car.


"So what are you actually doing?" I asked as I tossed the magazine I bought onto the table. We were at Brianna's house and she was sat beside Rye at her computer as she worked.

"I have to write my own horror story." She grunted.

"Well, let's get into the right atmosphere then." Rye smirked, flicking off the light.

"Rye, no. Turn it back on!" Brianna giggled, a hint of panic in her voice.

"Do you ever wonder if this house is haunted?" I joked, walking over to them.

"Don't say that!" She warned.

"What if your house is full of ghosts." I continued, trying to scare her.

"Do you ever feel an icy presence?" Rye whispered.

"Stop it, you're freaking me out." She laughed, shoving us both. "Just put the light back on."

I decided to carry on the joke, it being the only thing entertaining me since we arrived.

"Do you ever see things that aren't really th-"

I was cut off by Brianna's phone ringing, making them both scream. I couldn't hold in my laughter as she declined the call.

"It isn't funny. That gave me a heart attack." She gaped, smiling to show she wasn't actually mad. Rye turned the light back on as I stood up.

"Well, I'm going to go home and leave you two to do whatever you're doing." I winked at Rye, who glared at me.

"We're only doing homework."

"Sure." I laughed, closing the front door behind me.

Rye's POV

After Andy left, it went silent.

"Should we put some music on?" Brianna queried as she leant over, turning on her speaker.

"So.... I've been meaning to ask you something." I spoke, finally building up the courage to ask her out.

"Yeah, what's that then?" She asked, moving closer to me.

"Well, I doubt it's any secret that I like you. Do you like me?"

She blushed, smiling at me. She was so gorgeous.

"Yeah, I do."

We went quiet, both of us not hesitating before leaning in, meeting half way in an innocent kiss.

We pulled away, grinning. We both looked down. I didn't know why I felt so awkward. I was usually confident when it came to girls. She was different, I guess.

"You make me happy." She admitted, resting her head on my shoulder. I felt my heart beating faster as I placed my hand on her thigh.

"Right back at you."


When I got back to the house, I saw Andy almost asleep on my bed. I try and creep in as quiet as possible, but he sat up when I closed the door.

"Fovvs! What are you doing here?" I asked, not being able to keep the smile off my face.

"I was waiting for you. How did it go with Brie?" He asked.

I beamed. "We kissed."

"Really?" I nodded. "I'm happy for you man."

"Thanks." I said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Now, you need to ask out Amelia." He sighed, pulling away from the hug.

"Do I have to?"

"Yeah, you like her. She likes you. What's the problem?"

He seemed as though he was debating something in his mind, before shaking his head.

"It's nothing. I'll ask her out." I could tell he was lying, but I let it go under the assumption that he was just nervous.

"Okay then, night Fovvs." I waved, pecking his cheek.

He smiled as I swear I could see a blush forming on his cheek where I just kissed, but I ignored it.

"Night Bee."

Andy's POV

I headed straight to my room, and was surprised to see Sonny curled up in my bed asleep.

We had never had a problem cuddling and sleeping together before, so I got changed and climbed into bed behind him. He rolled over and cuddled into my chest. I pressed a kiss to the top of his head and held him tighter, falling asleep not long after.

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