(17) Do I Like Him?

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Andy's POV

"Andy? Your mum's here." Sonny told me, voice soft as he pushed open my bedroom door. I sat up, running a hand through my hair as I frowned. I knew she was coming but I didn't think it'd be this early. Then again, my mum had always been efficient.

"Okay, I'm coming." I grunted, climbing out of bed with a yawn. He gave me a small smile.

"You gonna be okay?"

I shrugged. "I have no idea how she's gonna react. I know she doesn't hate me, so at least that's something."

He nodded, holding his arms out for a hug. I moved towards him, falling into his chest with my arms around his waist. He rubbed his hand up and down my back and let out a deep breath, pressing a light kiss to the top of my head. I pulled away from him, smiling up at him.

"I appreciate you so much." I told him.

"I appreciate you too. Now get dressed and come downstairs. Your woman is waiting."

I scrunched up my face at that. "Don't call my mum my woman."

He chuckled, pushing me in the direction of the bathroom as he headed back downstairs. I got showered and changed pretty quickly and I was soon sat at the kitchen table across from my mum.

"Well?" She asked.

"Well what?"

"Are you?"

I decided to play dumb, not wanting to show her that I knew exactly what she was getting at.

"Are you gay?"


"A lot of people seem to think you are."

"Like who?"

"Amelia, for starters. And her mum. I wouldn't be surprised if Rye did of what I've been hearing is true." She muttered the last bit, sending me a look.

"Amelia's got it wrong." I lied. "Rye and I were drunk. We were just messing around."

"Then why have you broken up with Amelia?"

"Shes was too clingy." I exclaimed, rubbing my hands down my face. "I couldn't go anywhere without her and it got too much."

She sighed, reaching across the table to take my hand in hers. "Andy, you're my son and I know when you're not being honest with me."

I didn't say anything, keeping my eyes glued to the floor. She let go of my hands, moving to sit beside me instead of across from me.

"If I went and spoke to Rye right now, are you telling me he would agree that you were just messing around?"

I rolled my eyes. "We were drunk."

"I've been drunk plenty of times, but it doesn't mean I ever wanted to kiss the nearest woman."

"I don't want to talk about this right now."

I tried to leave but she pulled me back down, resting one hand on my knee and the other on my shoulder.

"Just talk to me, Andy. You're my son. I hate having secrets between us."

I felt terrible that I was lying to the woman who single handedly brought me up, but I was scared of losing her. Who knew how she felt about the LGBT community?

"Do you like other boys?" She questioned again, in a much calmer voice than last time.

"I-I.." I knew I had to tell her the truth, but that didn't mean it was easy to admit to my mum that I was not the boy she raised.

"I have got feelings for Rye." I whispered, my eyes brimming with tears.

She pulled me into her arms, letting me break down into her chest. She ran her fingers through my hair and held me until I calmed down. She pulled away, lifting my chin so that I was looking into her eyes.

"I love you."

I sniffed, giving her a weak smile. "I love you too."


"You're popular today." Sonny frowned as turned the corner, spotting Amelia running towards us. We had decided to go out for some lunch and my ex girlfriend was the last person I wanted to see.

"I'll get rid of her." I sighed as she stopped in front of us, smiling brightly at me and ignoring Sonny completely.

"Hey Andy. I was just on my way over to yours."


"Thought we could hang out. We haven't spoken since..."

"Since I told you I was gay?" I finished her sentence, receiving a sheepish smile in reply.

"I actually have plans with Sonny so I'll talk to you later." I explained.

"Oh, are you sure you don't want to hang out? It'll be just like the old days." She tried again, taking my hand in hers.

"He said he's busy." Sonny snapped. "So if you don't mind, we'll be off."

He pulled me away from a frowning Amelia, not letting go of my hand until we reached the cafe.

"So how are things with you and Rye?" Sonny asked after we had sat down with our food.

"Good, I guess. We've barely spoken recently, but I think he just needs time to get used to everything."

He nodded, tossing a chip in his mouth.

"And us?"

I raised an eyebrow, my heart beating rapidly. I had a feeling I knew what he was getting at, but I still wasn't entirely sure how I felt about him.

"What about us?"

He laughed, smiling like an idiot. "You're not gonna ask me out, are you?"

I blushed, biting my lip. Maybe trying things with Sonny would help me forget about Rye. Maybe I'd even end up falling for him instead.

"Unless I got it wrong and you don't fancy me too."

He stood up, quickly pressing a kiss to my cheek before heading to the bathroom. My fingers lightly touched the spot where his lips were moments ago, a small smile on my face.

authors note -
shorter than usual, but my ipad is on 3% and i wanna post before it dies. lets just be happy i actually updated this book.

bye peasants x

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