(16) A Helping Hand

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first none prewritten chapter. sorry for the sucky chapter and the lack of randy. be patient and you'll see where i'm going with this book.

i really don't like this chapter but oh well.


Andy's POV

I was playing a game of Fifa with Sonny when my phone started to ring. We hadn't spoken about what almost happened yesterday, both of us silently agreeing to just forget about it. It surprised me how comfortable he could still be around me given that he almost kissed me less than 24 hours before.

"Hello?" I answered the call, Sonny pausing the game and leaning back on my bed while he waited.

"Come home now." My mother ordered sternly.

"Why? What's going on mum?" I asked nervously, knowing that my mother only ever demanded for me to go home when something was wrong.

"I've had a call from Amelia's mum. You've got some explaining to do."

My heart practically stopped and I could feel a panic attack on its way. There was a 99% chance that phone call was about me being gay, and I wasn't sure I was ready to talk to my mum about it. Of course she would accept me. I was basically the only family she had. But it would take her some getting used to, given that she was a rather religious woman. She had always been open minded, but something told me things would be different when it came to her own son.

"Can't you come down here instead? We've got things to do and I don't have time to just leave." I lied, knowing we had a few weeks off while Blair was in America with Harvey.

"Fine, I'll be there tomorrow. Goodbye Andrew."

"Bye mum. I love you."

The line went silent for a few seconds before she answered "I love you too." I hung up with a smile on my face, relieved that my mum didn't hate me. I had no idea how I would handle it if I lost her.

"Was that your mum?" Sonny spoke up. I nodded, sitting back down on my bed.

"I think Amelia's mum told her about me being gay. She's coming up to talk about it tomorrow."

"Don't worry about it Fovvs." He smiled, resting a comforting hand on my thigh. "She's your mum. She'll accept you for who you are because she loves you."

I nodded, taking a deep breath. "Thank you Ryry."

"No need to thank me for being there for you. If you ever need anything or anyone, you know you can always come to me, right?"

I beamed, resting my head on his shoulder. "Yeah, I know."

And that's how we stayed for the majority of the day - my head on his shoulder as he traced circles on the exposed skin of my thigh. No words were spoken, but I doubt any of us cared as we just soaked up each others company. And I had never felt safer.


"Andy!" I heard Brook shout my name from downstairs. I lifted my head, rubbing my eyes as I worked out where I was. I realised I was in my room, Sonny led down beside me on the bed. We must've dozed off.

"Andy! Come downstairs! I made your lunch!" He shouted once more. I tried to sit up, but Sonny's arm around me pulled me right back down.

"Ryry. I need to get up." I whispered, running my fingers through his hair as he woke up.

"What's going on Fovvs?" He mumbled, his raspy voice doing things to me. I shook my head, pulling away from him as I stood up.

"Brook made me lunch." I explained. "You coming?"

"Yeah, just give me a minute. I'll meet you downstairs."

I nodded, making my way to the kitchen. Brook was holding out a plate with a couple of sandwiches on it, the fruit and veg decorating the plate in rainbow order.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked.

"Your lunch. I went for a rainbow theme. You like it?" He grinned.

I shrugged. "I guess?"

"Great! I also signed you up for this website."

I frowned, trying to get a better look at his phone screen. "What website?"

"A gay socialising network to help find like-minded people."

"So a dating app?"

His smile faltered but he still managed to look excited. "Yeah."

"I'm not interested." I told him, hoping that he'd take the hint and drop it.

"You need some gay friends." I could feel myself getting pissed off and I didn't want to get mad at Brook, but he really wasn't helping himself.

"Can we stop going on about my sexuality?" I groaned. "Why were none of you interested in it before?"

"Cause you weren't gay before."

That was it. "I give up. I'm not interested in your app, Brooklyn. Just leave me alone."

I ran back upstairs, not giving lunch a second thought as I slammed my bedroom door shut. A few minutes later, Sonny ran into my room with a sheepish look on his face.

"You might want to go see what Brook's done." He spoke. I rolled my eyes, heading back downstairs to see Brooklyn and Harper crowded around the phone screen.

"Don't get mad." Brook said calmly once he noticed my presence. "But I signed you up for that dating app."

"You did what?!" I shouted, grabbing the phone from his grasp. "Get my name off there now!"

"Calm down. He was doing you a favour." Harper spoke up, earning a glare in response.

"I thought you just needed a bit of a push-" Brook tried to explain, seemingly on the verge of tears. But I was too angry to care.

"I've already been pushed into coming out when I'm not ready for any of this!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I instantly knew it was Sonny. "Fovvs, it's-"

"Just delete the profile and leave me alone Brooklyn!" I shouted, pushing past Sonny to go back to my room. Unsurprisingly, he followed me up, closing my bedroom door behind him.

"You made Brook cry." He said, leaning back against the door.

"I-I didn't mean to."

"Don't worry." He chucked. "He deserved it."

"I just didn't want to be on some gross website full of pervs and horny little shits."

"Why not? Could've found yourself a a fit boy for the night." He joked, sitting down next to me on my bed.

"Cause I don't want my first time with a guy to be a one night thing. I want to fall in love and be with someone I really want."

"Like Rye?" He asked quietly. I sighed.

"I am in love with him, but he's made it perfectly clear that we'll only ever be friends. I need to get over him and find the one I'm supposed to be with."

"Yeah? Who do you want that to be?"

I glanced up at him, the look in his eyes letting me know what he wanted the answer to be. But I couldn't say it yet. I couldn't tell him that I wanted him when I was still confused about my feelings.

"Hopefully someone who'll love me back." I finally replied, settling for a vague answer.

I looked down as he smiled. "He will."

He lifted my chin, making me look him in the eyes. "You'll find someone who loves you just as much as you love him."

I closed my eyes, feeling the light touch of his lips against my cheek. I slowly opened them again to see him staring longingly at my lips. I wasn't ready to kiss him. Not yet. So I settled for a quick peck on the corner of his mouth. That seemed to be enough as he rested his forehead against mine, letting out a sigh of relief.

"I love you." I whispered, his eyes telling me more than words ever could.

He really did love me.

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