(13) Mistakes Are Irreversible

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for some reason i don't have a picture of bob so have this pic of him from when he was a puppy


Andy's POV

"Blue or back?"

I was stood in Amelia's house watching her try on dresses for the party we were going to that night. We seem to spend all our time at parties and I never particularly enjoyed them. But Rye really wanted to go and I couldn't say no to him.

"I don't know. Pick the one you like best."

She rolled her eyes, running back upstairs. I pulled my phone out of my pocket when it started ringing, answering the call straight away.

"Hey Bee, what's up?"

"Are you at Amelia's?" He asked.


"Brie and I are on our way to pick you up. We're gonna go get dinner before the party."

"Okay, see you later."

Amelia came charging down the stairs as I ended the call.

"Help me!" She cried.

"I'm a lad. We don't do fashion sense." I joked.

"Well at least come help me do my make up." She pleaded.

I sighed. "Fine."

She led me up to her room, sitting down  at her desk. I got to work immediately - despite there being hours before the party. Once I was done, she looked in the mirror and smiled a gorgeous smile.

"Wow, this is amazing. How did you learn to do make up this good?"

I bit my lip, avoiding eye contact as I answered. "Oh, you know, from past girlfriends."

Truth was, I wore make up. Not much, so it wasn't obvious. Just a bit of foundation, blusher, and mascara. I loved how confident it made me feel sometimes.

"Oh, really?"

"Why do you sound so surprised?" I chuckled as she put on a hoodie for now.

"I just thought it would have come naturally. Especially to you."

"What do you mean especially to me?"

"You know, just that you're a bit more.... feminine than other lads."

I paled. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It's nothing bad. You just act less manly than... say Rye for example."

I frowned. "You don't think I'm a man?"

"Oh, don't get all stroppy about it. It's nothing bad. I like how sensitive you are."

I gave her a tight smile before making my way back downstairs just as Rye and Brie walked through the front door.

"Hey Fovvs." He grinned, his face dropping when he saw my expression.

"What's up bro?"


"Oh, he's just sulking because I called him feminine." Amelia laughed.

"I'm not sulking." I muttered. "Can we just go and eat please?"

They all nodded and we made our way to the closest restaurant. I slowed down so I was a bit behind the others, Rye walking in front with Brie and Amelia walking slightly ahead of me.

"Hey, ignore her." I looked to the side to see that Rye had also slowed down slightly so that he could walk with me.

"I am."

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