(24) Finally

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to avoid confusion, the bits in italics are flashbacks to what happened after last chapter.

Andy's POV

"You're beautiful, you know that right?"

I smiled up at my boyfriend, pressing a kiss to his soft lips. I was happy, of course I was, but I couldn't help but feel guilty sitting in his arms after what had happened earlier that day.

"How can you make yourself stop loving someone?"

I was leant against the kitchen counter, trying to come to terms with the fact that this was actually happening. He had spoken those words. They must've meant something. You don't ask if someone is over you unless you care. He was stood a few steps in front of me, tears in his eyes as he searched my face for something unknown.

I didn't answer him. I couldn't. I hadn't stopped myself from loving him one bit. How could I? He was Rye Beaumont. Of course I still loved him!

"You told me that you loved me."

"I did love you." I hesitated before adding, "I do love you."

"Which one? You did love me or you do love me?"

I sighed. "Why does it matter?"

"You said you had something important to tell me?" I spoke, overthinking despite knowing it wasn't anything bad. He told me it was a good thing so why was I worried?

He smiled down at me, taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers.

"You know I love you right? So very much."

I nodded.

"Do you love me too?"

"Do you... do you love him?"

I wanted to lie and say he was the love of my life, but I couldn't. I loved Sonny. I really did. But Rye would always be my number one, and looking into his beautiful brown eyes so full of hope, I couldn't do it. I couldn't lie to him.

"Not as much as I love you."

"Yeah." I whispered. "I love you Sonny."

"Good." He beamed. "Cause I have something really important I need to ask you. It might be too soon but I don't wanna wait any longer."

"You're scaring me." I chuckled nervously.

"Andy, I've loved you for years. Ever since we met when you joined Overload, I knew there was something special about you. I was drawn to you from day one, and I don't know what it was, but I couldn't get enough of you. I knew from then that there was no way I was straight. But sadly, you were. Or so you thought. I kept pining over you in silence, hoping one day you'd decide you loved me too. But you didn't. And then I saw you falling for Rye and it broke my heart. You couldn't tell, but I could. It was obvious. You looked at him the same way I looked at you. I kept trying to tell you how I felt about you, but you were either oblivious to the fact you were into boys or you were too in love with Rye to care. I hate the fact that he hurt you, but I'm also grateful. He lost someone who loved him, someone who would've given him everything. But I didn't. You gave me a chance and I was so happy. I never thought I'd get that chance to love you and treat you like you deserve, but I did. I know you're probably not completely over Rye, and I don't expect you to be. But I just want you to be sure you love me as much as you say you do before I ask you."

"Ask me what?"

"Andy... will you move in with me? I love the others but I want you for myself. We can buy a house away from the boys, but not too far so that it doesn't affect the band. But I want to be with you and only you. What do you say?"

"Have you and Sonny slept together?"

I nodded.

"How was it?"


He closed his eyes, taking a step forward.


"I can't do it anymore." He choked, taking yet another step closer.

"Do what? What's going on with you Rye?"

"I can't stop thinking about you." He admitted with another step forward. My heart sped up, beating at a hundred miles per hour as his words ran through my head. 'I can't stop thinking about you.' What did that mean?

"I hate the way I'm feeling. Jealousy has never been something I've felt before."

I stayed silent, knowing his brain was battling his heart and I didn't want to make it worse for him by saying the wrong thing.

"But I hate seeing you two together. Sonny isn't right for you."

"Rye, don't." I whispered once we were face to face, his hand shakily resting on my chest. He leant in slightly, taking a deep breath.

"I hate this feeling." He whimpered.

I nodded. "So do I."

"Andy? You there?"

The sound of Sonny's concerned voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"You okay? I'm sorry if it's too soon. I just have a feeling this is gonna last and I don't want to waste any time."

"I don't know Sonny." I mumbled, anxiously biting my lip.

"Talk to me baby. What's going on in there?" He asked softly, tapping my forehead with his index finger.

"What if we're rushing into things? I don't want to lose you."

"You won't lose me baba." He whispered, pulling me into his chest. "I'm not going anywhere."

I was overwhelmed with guilt. Sonny was such a good guy who genuinely loved me. Rye was a confused mess who kept playing with my heart. But yet, I couldn't help but want him, even when I was in the arms of this perfect man.

"What if you realise I'm not worth it?" I whimpered.

"You're worth the whole world and more Andy. I love you more than I love myself and I'd be an idiot to let you go. We don't have to move out straight away, but please give us a chance. I want this to work out. You mean too much to me to waste any time we have together."

I knew it was wrong. I knew I shouldn't say yes after everything that happened, but above all, I was a selfish guy.

"Okay." I answered.


"Yeah. Let's do it. Lets move in together."

"Rye." I gasped as he lightly placed his hands on my cheeks, eyes glued to my lips.

"I want you." He said before he kissed me.

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