(27) Liar Liar, Pants On Fire

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Andy's POV

"You ready to go?" I asked Rye and Brianna as they carried their bags downstairs.

"Yeah, you?"

I nodded, shouting my mum down as we were about to leave.

"Wait, why did Sonny sleep on the sofa last night?" Brianna asked, gesturing to the boy who was sitting silently and hugging his bag to his chest. I met Rye's gaze and he discretely shook his head, silently begging me not to tell her the truth. He hadn't broken up with her.

I sighed, about to make up some excuse but Sonny beat me to it.

"We broke up."

"You what?" I looked up to meet my mum's shocked gaze. "What happened? You were moving in with each other twenty four hours ago and now you're not even together anymore?"

"Seems that way." Sonny muttered.

"Why did you split up?" Brianna questioned.

"We just work better as friends." Sonny told her, saving me from telling her the truth. I mouthed the words 'thank you' but he avoided my gaze.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out between you. I know how much you love each other."


"Shall we get going then?" Rye said, saving us from the awkward tension that has filled the room.

"Thanks for having us." Brianna smiled, pulling my mum into a hug.

"You're very welcome love. You and your boyfriend are welcome here anytime."

I frowned at the word 'boyfriend'. He promised me he'd break up with her and he didn't. I knew he'd let me down in the end but I didn't want to believe it.

"It was nice to meet you Sonny. I hope you and Andy can stay friends."

He nodded. "Me too."

They headed out to the car and I stayed back to say a proper goodbye to my mum.

"It was so good to see you again."

"Hold up mister." She glared, pointing a finger at my chest. "You're not leaving until you tell me the real reason as to why you and Sonny broke up."

"We work better as friends. We've already told you that."

"But that's not why you split up, is it?"

I didn't answer her, not particularly wanting to lie to my mum. It turns out I didn't have to lie as she already knew.

"It's Rye, isn't it? You still love him and that's why you ended things with Sonny."

I hated how she knew me better than I knew myself. She'd always been able to sense when I was lying and, in a way, I guess I appreciated it. It made it easier to tell her what was really going on.

"I just didn't want to use Sonny like that. He deserves better."

"He does." She agreed. "Sonny's a really great guy and I hope he finds someone."

"Me too."

"So, does Rye know how you feel about him?"

I nodded. "We've kissed a few times since we came here."

"Andrew Robert Fowler, don't you dare tell me you've cheated on the poor lad."

"I'm sorry."

She sighed. "At least you were nice enough to break up with the boy. Rye's still dating Brianna, isn't he?"

"He said he'd break up with her but he lied to me."

"Does she know how you feel for him?"

I shook my head. "She just thinks we kissed for a laugh a few months ago. Brianna's my best friend. If she knew I was in love with her boyfriend, she would never forgive me."

"He needs to either stop messing you around or end things with her. It isn't fair on either of you."

"Fovvs, you coming?" Rye's voice sounded from the door. I looked at my mum who was sending him an accusing glare.

"If you hurt my boy then I swear I'll hunt you down and beat your cheating ass." She warned.

I turned to face Rye, his eyes wide as he shifted his gaze between us. He knew my mum adored him but he also knew how protective she was over me. I was all she had after all.

"I won't. I swear."

"Okay, well have a nice trip and call me when you get back."

"I will." I smiled, pulling her in for a hug. "I love you mum."

"I love you too. Now go and get your man." She whispered the last bit, making me chuckle.

"Will do. Bye mum."

"Bye guys. Send my love to the boys."

"Of course."

I closed the door, walking straight past Rye and towards the car.

"You told your mum about us?" He hissed.

"You didn't break up with Brianna?" I fired back, making him shut up. We set off in silence, Rye and Brianna cuddling in the backseat as Sonny and I sat side by side, the tension almost unbearable.

I couldn't help but glance up at the rearview mirror every few seconds, scowling at the happy couple. It apparently became noticeable and Sonny placed a hand on my thigh, making me look towards him instead.

"Stop staring or you're gonna make it obvious."

I sighed, turning back to the road. Sonny's hand left my thigh seconds later and I felt so alone.



Rye grabbed my arm, stopping me from following Sonny inside. We had already dropped Brianna off at hers on our way back.

"What is it Rye?" I mumbled.

"Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Cause you broke up with Sonny yesterday." He pointed out.

"Like you were supposed to do with Brianna."

He rolled his eyes. "How'd he take it?" He asked, ignoring my words.

"How'd you think? He's devastated. He genuinely loves me, unlike some people."

"I do love you." He argued.

"Then why haven't you split up with her?"

He looked down. "I'll do it when the time is right."

"And when will that be Ryan? A day? A month? A year?" I shouted, not caring who heard at this point. I wasn't about to crawl back into the closet for a scared boy who was ashamed of who he really was.

"I'll do it tomorrow!" He interrupted. "I promise."

"You won't though, will you?, You're lying to everyone. To me, to Brianna, to yourself. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being your bit on the side."

"You're not just my bit on the side. I love you Andy. Why don't you believe me?"

"Do you seriously expect me to trust you after everything? Until you end things with Brianna, I can't believe a word that comes out of your mouth."

I pulled my arm out of his grip and stormed inside, slamming the door behind me.

authors note -
daily updates until the book ends?

question - how do you feel about sonny and brianna? and amelia, even though she's barely here anymore.

bye peasants Xx

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