(30) You and Him?

457 35 19

Andy's POV

"Sonny... I-I can explain-"

"Save it." He snapped, shaking his head at Rye. "I've just had that poor girl crying on my shoulder, telling me how the only thing that's gonna get her through losing her best friend is having her boyfriend by her side. I come and find you to tell you to go see her and you're fooling around with my ex boyfriend?"

"I don't think it's any of your business." Rye defended weakly. Sonny scoffed.

"You know, I'm not mad that you're together. I'm actually glad Andy's finally getting the happiness he deserves. But at what cost? You're just gonna break a young girl's heart even more than it already has been. You could've waited until you'd split up, but no. You decided to cheat on her instead, knowing full well it's gonna ruin her life when she finds out."

"Well she's not gonna find out, is she?" Rye challenged, glaring back at him. "Cause you're not gonna tell her."

"And why shouldn't I?"

"Cause you're too nice of a guy to out someone like that." He stated and Sonny's gaze softened, the look on his face proving he wasn't willing to out Rye, no matter how much he disliked him.

"I expected better from you. Both of you." He spat, shaking his head at us both.

He took one last look at us before leaving the room. I sent Rye a panicked look before going after him, grabbing his arm to turn him around.

"You're not gonna tell anyone, are you?"

Sonny let out a dry laugh, an unamused smile on his face. "That's all your bothered about, isn't it? Neither of you care about the hurt you're gonna cause people."

"That's not true!" I argued. "You don't think I'm worried about hurting Brianna? It's all I can think about."

"You know, at least you had the guts to break up with me before getting with him. I can't imagine how she's gonna feel to find out she's been cheated on."

I averted my gaze to the floor, my silence answering the question he never asked.

"You cheated on me, didn't you?"

No answer.

"Didn't you?!"

"Yes." I barely whispered.

"Wow." He breathed, tearing up as he looked down at me. "How many times?"


"I said how many times?!" He shouted, voice breaking.

"Just once."

"You mean you kissed him once?"

I sighed. "We kissed a few times actually. We only slept together once."

"You fucking slept with him?"

I nodded, biting my wobbly lip as I willed for the tears to go away. I didn't get to cry. I didn't deserve to be upset because I wasn't the one who had been hurt. Sonny was. I'd hurt the one person who never stopped loving me and it made me sick just thinking about it.

"Despite everything, I still love you." He told me, shaking his head. "I'm such an idiot."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am Andy!" He exclaimed. "Cause I fell for you knowing full well you loved him. I was naive enough to think you'd stay loyal to me even when I could tell he was falling for you too. I let myself believe you wouldn't give in to him just to save me the pain. But you did. It doesn't matter how you phrase it, you still cheated on me. I don't know how you expect me to forgive you for this."

He walked away and I let him go, knowing he needed time to think and forcing him to stay when neither of us had anything left to say wasn't fair on either of us. My shoulders drooped and I slowly made my way back into the bathroom, meeting Rye's frightened gaze.

"He isn't gonna tell anyone." I promised.

"How do you know that?"

"Cause this is Sonny we're talking about. You might not like him but you said it yourself, he's a good guy. He wouldn't out you."

"People do crazy things when they're in love." He pointed out.

"Yeah, he loves me. He wouldn't hurt me like this. No matter how betrayed he feels, he knows I'd never speak to him again if he outed you. He just needs some time and I don't blame him."

He sent me a pitying look. "He find out you cheated on him?"

I nodded. "I never wanted to hurt him like that. He doesn't deserve it. He's been really good to me."

"Come here baby." He whispered, opening his arms for me to fall into his embrace, taking in his intoxicating scent as I allowed myself to breathe for the first time since Sonny caught us.


We stayed in the bathroom for as long as possible, neither one of us wanting to go out there and face the world again. When Rye and I were alone, I could block out reality and just focus on him. Him and his gorgeous chocolate eyes and his silky hair the colour of mud. Him and his pure heart and his caring nature. I'd seen both sides of him. The confident, sassy side. The side that acted like a fuckboy and played different girls after simply getting bored of them. The cocky, arrogant side that always wanted to be right and refused to take no for an answer.

But I'd also seen the softer side of him. The scared, insecure little boy who was afraid of love and commitment. The family man who'd do anything for the people he cared about. The animal lover and the charity giver. I'd fallen for him. No matter what mood he was in, I still loved him because that was who he was. He hid behind this facade of 'I-don't-give-a-fuck' and pretended not to be that bothered about relationships, but he fell hard and loved harder.

That is the boy I fell in love with.

"You think we should head back in now?" I whispered, eyes following his finger that was stroking the back of my hand in circles.

"I don't want to."

"We have to."

"I could stay here with you all day." He sighed, lifting my chin and connecting our lips in a soft kiss.

"Me too. But we have to get back to reality at some point. Anyway, they're probably getting suspicious."

"You're right." He mumbled, pulling away. I suddenly felt cold without his arms around me and I hated the feeling of loneliness I got whenever we were apart. I hated how dependant of him I'd become, but I also loved it because he knew I needed him and he was willing to be there for me no matter what.

"Let's go." He smiled, holding the door open for me. We headed back to the main room, a few feet apart to make it less suspicious. But our attempts were deemed irrelevant as all eyes were on us once we made it back to our group. Well, all relevant eyes. Amelia's family and close friends couldn't care less about any of us.

"What's going on?" I asked, an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach as I took in their faces. Jack and Brook were staring at us with so much disappointment in their eyes. Sonny was stood a few feet away, leaning back against the wall. He avoided my gaze, a frown etched on his face. Harper wore a smug grin, one arm thrown around Brianna's shoulders.

The look on Brianna's face made me want to vomit, all hope of her not knowing vanished as I looked her in the eyes, nothing to see but hurt and betrayal.

"You and him?" She finally spoke, and my world came crashing down instantly.

authors note -
not gonna lie, imma probably finish the book today. it usually takes me weeks to update but this is like the seventh chapter in about three days. i'm really treating you all haha.

bye peasants Xx

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