(21) I Fucked a Boy and I Liked It

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the title was too funny not to use XD


Andy's POV

"How is he in bed?"


Rye had invited the girls over and we were all chilling in the garden. They seemed more interested in my newfound relationship than anything. I could tell it was making Rye uncomfortable but I actually wanted to talk about him. Things were going really well for once and I liked the attention being on me.

"Ew, don't ask him that." Rye chuckled awkwardly.

"I don't mind." I reassured.

"I'm just curious." Brie defended.

"But it's none of your business." He argued.

"If it bothers you then put your earphones in."

"It doesn't bother me. I'd just prefer to sit in silence and just relax. Wouldn't you Amelia?" He lied terribly. I knew Rye wasn't fully comfortable with me being gay yet so I understood why he didn't want to hear about my sex life.

"I guess." She mumbled, sending me a small smile. "Don't worry about me. I know you must be dying to talk about Sonny."

"What do you wanna know?" I asked, leaning back in my seat.

"You slept with him yet?"

"That's enough!" Rye snapped.

"I'm only asking what you're thinking."

Rye rolled his eyes and I shrugged. "It hasn't happened yet."

"Why not?"

"Can't we talk about something else?" Rye whined.

I ignored his complaining, turning to the girls with a sigh. "If you really want to know... I haven't let it happen yet."

"Why not?"

"He might be really experienced. I don't want him to think I'm nervous. I've never been with a boy like that before."

"Don't worry. When you're in the moment, you'll know exactly what you're doing."

"Can you just shut up?!" Rye shouted. "I mean, seriously, have you heard yourselves?"

"What is your problem? I'm just helping a mate out." Brianna spat.

"With what? Becoming some kind of stereotype?"

"I'm just having a bit of fun. Seems like you've forgotten how to."

"Come on guys. Don't argue." Amelia interrupted.

"Stay out of it Amelia." Rye gritted.

"Come on mate. Don't be like that." I tried, hoping he'd listen to me and calm down. I had no idea what had gotten into him but I didn't want our day to be ruined by his bad mood.

"Nevermind. I'm gonna go inside." He muttered, storming into the house.

"Aren't you gonna go after him?" Amelia asked Brie.

"Not when he's in a mood. I'll let him cool off and speak to him later." She sighed.

"So now that he's gone, what's the real reason why you're freaking out over sleeping with Sonny?" Amelia pushed. "I mean, you slept with me."

"Yeah but I didn't particularly enjoy it." I blurted, eyes widening when I saw her hurt face.

"I mean, I knew I was gay back then. No matter who the girl was, I wouldn't have enjoyed it either way."

"I get it. You don't have to explain." She said quietly.

"So why are you freaking out?"

I looked down. "It's stupid."

"I bet it isn't. Tell us! We're your friends. We're here to help." Brianna smiled.

"It's just- I know I'm gay and I've come to terms with it. But until now, I've only had to deal with secret crushes on boys. Sleeping with one will make it real. I'll officially be gay."

It was a stupid thing to worry about because I was already 'officially' gay, but it was terrifying to think that the guy I was only weeks before was gone. Everything I thought I knew about myself had changed and that was hard to come to terms with.

"I'm sure Sonny won't rush into it. He won't make you do anything you're not comfortable with." Brie reassumed, Amelia nodding in agreement.

"But I want to do it. I want to be ready. I really like Sonny."

They both had huge grins on their faces. "It's nice seeing you so happy. I can tell you and Sonny are really into each other."

I blushed. "I never thought Sonny Robertson would be my first boyfriend."

"I never thought my ex boyfriend would get a boyfriend before me." Amelia joked.


Sonny and I were cuddling in bed but I couldn't focus on the film we were watching. My eyes were glued to the arm he had resting on my waist. I loved being close to him and I couldn't help but want to be even closer to him. I wanted to see all of him, touch him in places I've never touched another guy before. I wanted him and all of him. I wanted to have sex with him but something was stopping me and I had no idea what it was. I used inexperience and nerves as an excuse but I knew deep down what was holding me back. The same thing that held me back from asking Sonny out in the first place. A certain Spanish brunette.

"What's wrong baby?" He whispered into my ear, noticing my lack of concentration.

I shook my head. "Nothing, don't worry about it."

"Tell me. I can tell something's bothering you and I want to help."

I tilted my head back, resting it on his shoulder so that I could meet his gaze. My eyes trailed down to his lips as I spoke.

"Believe me, there's nothing I want more than your help. But I'm still uncertain."

He leant down, capturing my lips in a kiss. He pulled away with a smile. "Did that help at all?"

"Yes." I breathed.

It was in that moment that I made my decision. I couldn't let my lingering feelings for Rye stop me from moving on. Rye wasn't mine. He belonged to Brianna. Sonny was mine. All mine. I could have him the way I wanted him and the only thing stopping me was that I was hopelessly hanging onto someone who would never love me back.

I climbed out of bed, Sonny watching me in confusion as I locked the door. I turned to face him, shamelessly checking him out as I stalked closer.

"You wanna know what was bothering me?"

He nodded and I smirked.

"How much I want you."

His eyes darkened, pupils dilating as he pulled me onto the bed. He rolled over, pinning me down against the mattress.

"You sure?" He checked.


"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this." He told me in a husky whisper, starting to unbutton my shirt as he kissed my neck.

I finally slept with a guy that night, and it was amazing. The only problem was that I was picturing a certain twenty four year old the entire time.

authors note -
third update in less than 24 hours but they've all been filler chapters so it doesn't really matter.

i'm currently learning ukulele so wish me luck.

bye peasants Xx

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