(19) I Kissed a Boy and I Liked It

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Rye's POV

"So, I've noticed you and Andy are talking again."

I looked up from my bowl of cereal, scowling at Harper's knowing face. After our short conversation yesterday, Andy and I had gone out for tea at Nando's and then spent the rest of the night playing video games. It was nice to have my best friend back. It'd been rather lonely without him by my side. I wouldn't admit it to anyone, but I really missed him.

"It was time to stop avoiding each other." I stated simply, taking another bite of my lunch. I hadn't woken up until noon but I was still in the mood for some cereal.

"Well it's nice to see the two of you have kissed and made up." He teased, receiving a glare from me in response. "When your girlfriend breaks up with you, at least you have a boyfriend's shoulder to cry on."

I rolled my eyes, hearing him laugh as he left. What I wanted more than anything was for the immature teasing and the stupid jokes to stop. I knew full well that people would assume I was gay after Andy had come out but I didn't expect to be made fun of in my own home. Especially not by someone who was supposed to be one of my best mates.

I finished my food, deciding to go see what Andy was up to. I wasn't prepared to find him working out in his room, all shirtless and sweaty. I awkwardly cleared my throat, averting my gaze away from his chest.


His head shot up and he was quick to throw on a T-shirt. I realised things were a bit more awkward between us now as we usually wouldn't be care about seeing each other naked, but things were different back then.

"Whats up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the pub with Sonny and I. Jack's gonna join us as well. Brooklyn is meeting up with Mikey and his mum later so he can't come."

I didn't miss the way his eyes lit up at the mention of Sonny and it didn't sit right with me. I gave him a forced smile that probably looked more like a grimace, but he either didn't notice or he just didn't say anything.

"What about Harper?" He asked.

"I don't give a shit what he's doing."

He raised an eyebrow but didn't question my harsh tone. "Sure thing. Let me go get a quick shower."

"Okay, we'll be in the living room when you're ready."

I left him to it after that, heading back downstairs to the boy who could potentially be Andy's new boyfriend.


Andy's POV

We seemed to have fallen into a routine where we bumped into the girls every time we left the house as we were round the corner from the pub when we were approached by Amelia and Brianna.

"Hey baby." Brie beamed, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek. He smiled brightly at her, taking her hand in his.

"Hey." Sonny gritted, Jack giving them a little wave as he hadn't met them before.

"Jack, this is my girlfriend Brianna. The blonde one is Amelia, Andy's ex girlfriend."

"Have you apologise to her yet?" Brie asked, sending me a pointed look.

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