(26) Let Him Go

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Andy's POV

"You have to make a choice Rye."

We were laying side by side on my old bed, having just finished a heated make out session. As good as it felt to have him the way I wanted him, I couldn't stop thinking about Brianna and Sonny. It wasn't fair on them for us to keep sneaking around behind their backs. I was willing to end things with Sonny to be with Rye, but I wasn't sure he was willing to do the same.


"We can't keep doing this. It's not fair on anyone."

"Why can't I have both of you?" He asked, turning to lay on his side so that he was facing me. He ran one finger down my arm, the light touch causing goose bumps to appear on my skin.

"Because I don't want to be anyone's secret."

He let out a sigh, his hand falling between us. It was inches away from my own and I wanted nothing more than for him to take it.

"I love you Andy." He whispered and my head shot up, tearing my gaze away from our hands to meet his eyes. I knew he loved me. Of course I knew. But it was different hearing him say the words himself. A good kind of different.

"I'm not just using Brianna as some kind of beard. I genuinely love her. I love both of you."

"You can't love us both Rye." I sighed. "You don't get to have us both. You need to choose. It's either her or me."

I knew he needed time to think and staying with him wasn't doing me any good, so I left.


It wasn't until later that night that Rye found me again. Sonny and I were sat on the garden swing in peaceful bliss, hand in hand as we stared at the stars. This was what I wanted. I wanted to be with someone who genuinely loved me like Sonny did. I wanted to be with someone who was proud of who he was. I wanted to be with someone who wouldn't hide our relationship from the world.

Everything would've been so much easier if I could've just loved Sonny, but I didn't. I didn't love him the same way he loved me and it wasn't fair on him for me to keep pretending I did. I was scared of losing him but I had to be honest with him, even if I ended up alone. Rye may not have been willing to be honest with Brianna about who he loved, but I didn't want to play Sonny anymore.

"Can I talk to you alone?" Rye muttered, staring straight at me and ignoring Sonny's presence.


I pulled away from Sonny, smiling when he pressed a kiss to my cheek, before following Rye inside. He led me into the downstairs bathroom, locking the door before pushing me against it and pressing his lips to mine.

"This can't stop." He whispered after we pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. "I don't want it to stop."

"Then make a choice. Who do you want?"


"Then break up with Brianna."

"This is hard for me to deal with. Knowing I'm not who I thought I was only weeks ago."

"You are." I told him. "You're still you."

"But I'm not though. I didn't want to fall for a boy and it's hard for me to accept. But I can't deny it anymore. I've fallen for you and I need to have you in my life. I can't watch you act all loved up with Sonny when I know that I'm the one you truly love."

"Then I'll break up with Sonny." I shrugged. "I'll do it now."

He nodded. "And I'll break up with Brianna. But I'll do it tomorrow. Give her one last night of happiness, yeah?"

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