Thank you

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so... it's officially over. i'm actually really sad. i've loved writing this book, which is strange since i hated it when i first started writing it. but it's grown on me and i'm gonna miss updating it.

i'd like to thank hollyoaks for inspiring this story and for making a similar story that i enjoyed watching a lot.

i'd like to thank roadtrip who sadly split up a few months ago. this book clearly wouldn't exist without them, as randy wouldn't have been a thing.

i'd like to thank you lot for reading. it makes my day every time you vote and comment and it means the world to me that you like my writing. i love reading your comments and hearing what you think about each chapter.

i hope you stick around despite the book being over. i have a lot of unfinished books published on my account and it'd mean a lot if you could check them out.

maybe i'll write a sequel or a spin off ?? i've never liked sequels cause i personally can't get into a story where the couple are already together, but i think sonny deserves his own story. let me know what you think.

thank you again. i love you all!

so for the final time, goodbye peasants Xx

Say Something (boyxboy) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now