(23) Have You Moved On?

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Andy's POV

"Morning love."

I sleepily made my way downstairs, finding my mum and Rye sat in the living room, Sonny nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Sonny?" I asked.

"Nice to see you too." Rye mumbled. I chose to ignore it and my mum told me Sonny was in the back garden.

"I'm gonna go see him."

We had slept in the same bed last night but I barely slept a wink, my messed up thoughts overpowering my exhaustion. I wanted nothing more than to focus solely on my boyfriend and making sure we enjoyed our time away from home, but Rye was unsurprisingly the centre of my thoughts.

I didn't ask to love him. I would've preferred not falling for him. It would've saved me the heartbreak he caused me when he rejected me and the sleepless nights I spent praying for him to love me back.

He hadn't been himself recently. It wasn't hard to see and it also wasn't hard to tell why he'd be so out of it. He was jealous of Sonny and I. Not because he wanted me, but because he did. He wanted me to be his best friend, just like we were only weeks ago and just like we had been for years. I was still his best friend. Of course I was. I just thought it'd be better for everyone if we grew apart slightly. Easier for me to get over him. Easier for him to forget about my feelings for him. And easier for Sonny to understand that he was the only one I wanted.

It was no secret that Sonny didn't like Rye. Rye didn't like him either, but that was for a reason I didn't completely understand. But Sonny had every reason to be jealous, having known about my feelings for Rye long before I had come to terms with them myself. I also knew he had been in love with me for a long time, so it must've hurt him a lot to learn that the guy he had secretly fallen for had fallen for someone else.

"Hey baby." He smiled, pulling me onto his lap. He was sat on the garden swing, an unopened can of beer on the floor. I didn't know why he was planning on drinking so early but I was happy to see it was left untouched.


"You okay?"

I nodded, smiling lazily. "Just tired."

"Well make sure you wake up before tonight. I wanna take you somewhere."

"Where are you taking him?" Rye asked, joining us in the garden. He sat down on the garden chair across from the swing, an unimpressed frown on his face.

"Not that it's any of your business but I want to take him to the beach."

"The beach? Why?"

He took my hand, pressing his lips to it like a gentleman. "I need to ask you something."

My eyes widened and I started to panic, a million different scenarios running through my mind.

"What do you need to ask me?"

"Don't worry. It's a good thing."

His reassurance calmed me down instantly and I nodded, pressing my lips to his in a gentle kiss.

"Can one of you boys come to the store with me? It's gonna be a long walk and I don't fancy going alone." My mum called from the kitchen door.

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