In The Wave

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{Coversation in another plane}


/ interruption



After their  encounter with Zabuza ,Naruto was being carried by Kakashi, and they stayed quiet the entire trip, until they arrived in the wave contry.

"You guys can stay in my house until you get better."Tazuna offered

"We will accept it  "both jounin said

Arriving at Tazuna's house...

"Tsunami-chan , Inari-chan I'm back!With guests!"

"Dad you are back!I'm so glad that you are safe."A young lady went running into Tazuna and hugged him."And you guys must be the ninjas that scouted him.Thank you very much for keeping him safe"

"We only did our job.If it may not be inconvinient may we stay here , while we heal our wounds." The masked man said while he pointed at Naruto in his back.

"Oh for sure that won't be a problem.There's a empty room upstairs he can rest there."

"Arigato,oh we are a eight in total are you sure that it won't be a problem."

"No, not at all.We have enough free space for all off us. "

The group entered the house.Kakashi put an passed out Naruto in the bed.,where Tsunami would take care of him.And then they reunited in the kitchen.Kakashi was about to say something when the Uchiha spoke

"Why?Why do you have the sharingan, Kakashi?! Why?!"

"Well Sasuke this Sharingan belonged to my old best friend, he gave it to me as gift for becoming jounin before he died."

"Sasuke-kun please understand that this is a very delicate subject for Kakashi-kun."The red non sharingan eyes woman spoke to Sasuke before he could ask anymore questions"So Kakashi what do we do now?I mean we both are still injured and Naruto is much worst then we."

"How bad is Naruto-kun?"The Hyuga asked in worry.

"He's fine Hinata-chan.I only said that because he's passed out.It's only Chakra exaustion.But it may take a few days before he fulled recover."Kurenai lied to Hinata,because she knew about her crush on the blond,Naruto had broke both his arms , a few ribs , he's left foot and was also suffering from chakra intoxication thanks to his bijjus chakra,whose are toxic for some reason.(To be honest it's a miracle that he is even alive)And just as she finished saying that Tsunami exited Naruto's room.

"I just finished checking the blond one up and he hasn't broke anything.He seens to be only tired."The genin were relieved but the jounin were in shock.They knew that a bijju could speed up healing but not that much.

"Well Kurenai answering your question we pretend to stay here until the bridge be finished."

"But what about Gato don't you think he will try to strike again?"

"Exactly Kurenai that's exactly the reason why we are going to stay here.And before you say anything we don't know any other way to get out of the country.So all we can do is wait and help with the build of the bridge."

"Seens legit,but what do we do if Zabuza come back?"

"What do you mean,isn't he dead? We saw that mist Anbu kill him"Sakura pointed out

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