In The Snow

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"Brrr. I'm literally freezen."complained Suigetsu showing his ice arm.

"I told you not to come , but noooo... you wanted to meet the hot snow princess. Now you keep cool and stay quiet"responded Zabuza.

The nins had just left the border station and were in the middle of some snow route following the signs towards the capital

"I swear to Kami with Suigetsu open his mouth again I'm  freezing his mouth up."complained Haku being the only one who was only being annoyed by Suigetsu and not freezing.

"He-hey Ha-haku. Ho-how are y-you  not co-cold?"asked Omoi 

"Cold is psicological"he simple responded

"W-well , the Ka-kazekage a-and h-his siblings m-mos-t be real-lly weak mi-minded then."said Karui helping caring Temari  since the sand trio  passed out from the cold along side Anko and Shino.

"My Rikkudou this guy is heavy!"shouted Kurotsuchi  caring Kakankuro  and his puppets

"Y-you th-that -ar-re we-weak."said Karin with Gaara in her shoulder.

"Ah"Kurotsuchi was about to respond but she was to cold to think  something

"Ho-how lo-long un-until we-we get th-there Kaka-kakashi-sen-senpai?"asked Yugao shaking like  crazy

"Accor-according to th-the last si-sign thr-three ho-hours."

"L-luck..."said Chojuro trying to swear

"Brrr I can't take it anymore! Hinata help me !"Naruto shouted huging Hinata making she blush red and radiate heat"Much better."

"Is-is he dumb?"asked Akatsuchi

"No just as dense as a black hole."anwsred Shikamaru

"Shi-kamaru h-how aren't y-you cold?!"asked Ino 

"First differently from you I'm not dressed like it was summer."he said remebering Ino's outfit under her cape "Second being cold is too much of a drag for me."

"O-only yo-you Shi-shika."said Choji rellaing in his body fat to keep him warm

"Are these  guys really cold?"asked Roshi 

"I don't know how , it's normal for me."responded Han.

"For me too"added Roshi

"Me too"completed Yugito

"Hey Yugito. How are you with out Matatabi?"asked Naruto not being cold anymore

"Hmm fine , lonely , but fine. I still can use her Kenkkei Genkai though"

"That's nice ,I mean , the Kenkkei Genkai part ."

"It's ok Naruto. It's ok."

"You got captured by the Akatsuki?"asked Roshi


"How are you alive? Having a Bijju extracted is too much stress for the human body."said Han

"I don't know."

"Well , when I fixed your seal I make it easier for Matatabi's chakra to flow through your body , so that must had helped."answred Naruto

"That makes sense but it still put a lot of stress in my body."

"Hmm. Base on mine and Roshi's age I believe we woudn't survive the process."

"How old are you two?"asked the blond  hugging his heater

"Old enough to not want to say it."responded Roshi rudly

"Man, and I thought  that this only applied to women."complained Naruto remebering Tsunade's rage whenever somebody asked her age

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