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While the fight with Sasori was happening Naruto  and Kakashi were chasing after Deidara.

"Give us Gaara back!"shouted Naruto

"Hm. No!"shouted back Deidara.

"Naruto. Calm down."said Kakashi behind them.

"No we can't calm down! We need to get Gaara!"Naruto then activated his Mangekyo Sharingan.

"Hã? Sharingan?But gold?You a fucking Uchiha?!!!"Shouted Deidara"You fucking piece of crap! I will finish Itachi's job with my art!"Deidara then put his and on his pockets and threw some clay spiders at Naruto.

"Kam/"as Naruto was about to use his Kamui Deidara's clay exploded in front of him.

"Naruto!"shoutd Kakashi

"I'm fine I used my right eye Kamui to be intagible."said Naruto coming out of the explosion.

"Damn Uchihas,I hate you all. Thank Kami they are all dead!"shouted Deidara

"I'm not an Uchiha dumb ass!"shouted Naruto"Damn I'm not in sage mode right now. Kakashi sensei I will try to get natural chakra while we go after him. But I really need to concentrate so protect me from any attacks."asked Naruto starting to focus him self.

"Ha this will be easy!"shouted Deidara. He then put his hands back in his pocket and took a big clay ball out of it and then he ate it with his hand's mouth.

Almost one hour of chase later...

"So Naruto? Are you finished?"asked Kakashi

"Almost. There isn't that much natural  chakra in an desert."answered Naruto.

"Finnaly it's done.achoo! Hm I felt something"Deidara said as he pointed his right hand at Kakashi and Naruto."C2:Clay Snake Dragon."from it a gigant  snake dragon made out of clay came out of it."Now Attack!"Deidara commanded his clay dragon

"I'm done!"shouted Naruto entering sage mode.

"This won't save you from a explosion breath."said Deidara and as he said that the dragon released an gigant explosion from it's mouth towards the two Konoha-nin.

"Crap!Kakashi sensei!Kamui!"Naruto absorved Kakashi into his Kamui dimension and then him self.

*BOOOMM*a gigant explosion happend.

"Hmp. That must had take care of them."said Deidara happily"Now lets get this body to the base. For leader-sama knows the reason."

"Not over my watch!"shouted Naruto and Kakashi coming out from a 3d vortex from behind Deidara.

"Hm?"Deidara was punched in the face by Naruto makin him fall from his bird.The bird then went after him and the Dragon was about to use his explosion breath again when...

"Raikiri!"Kakashi stabed the dragon with his Raikiri. The dragon felt to the ground imobolized.

"Damn it. Well I can explain why I didn't brought the body. Katsu!"Deidara did a hand sign"Katsu! Katsu Katsu! Why it isn't exploding!"(So that was the weakness that old man Onoki told me about the C jutsus. Raiton.)Deidara thought as he was caught by his bird.

"Give us Gaara back!"shouted Naruto as he charged  a Rainbow Rasengan towards him.

"No! C3:..."(Crap I'm out of clay! i will ahve to use my simple form of art.)"Explosion:Tatical Boom!"

"What the explosion Genkka genkkai?!"surprisely shouted Naruto and Kakashi. Before the walls next to them exploded.

"Hm.This is my simple art. have you liked?"said Deidara 

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