The immortal duo

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Konoha gates 8:00

"So everyone read?"asked Asuma 

"Yes."said Team 10 , Izumo and Kotetsu.

"Alright so let's go."Asuma ordered leading the way.

one week later...

Some where near the fire contry border...

"Fucking finally. We arrived!"shouted Hidan"Why there aren't any hideouts near the Demon's contry? Jashin damn it." 

"Because there are no jinchuurikis there you dumb butt."answered  Kakuzo with Yugito in his shoulder

"Hmp. That still not an excuse."

"Arr.What ever. Let's go get something to eat before we do the ritual. It will take about a two weeks to do it since that new member,that can acellerate the process, won't be able to assist."said Kakuzo going towards a town near by.

in the town...More especific at an B&Q restaurant...


"Come on Choji we are in mission you can't wast our time here."said an pineapple hair man

"But Shikmaru this is one of the best B&Q in the contry. Who knows when I will have another oportunity of coming here."

"Shika is right Cho we are in mission. And please use a napkin. There's ketchup all over your face."

"Relax Ino just enjoy. It's Asuma that's paying anyway.Right Kotetsu?"

"Yup Izumo!"

"I'm not paying for you two. You know right?"Asuma interrupted the two who were in a eating contest

"W-what?"both asked looking on how much they ate and calculated the cost in their heads"Oh Kami..."they both went blue

*Kling kling*the door of the restaurant opened

"Come Kakuzo I found a piece of trash so you can eat!"

"I'm sorry for this idiot."Kakuzo apologised to the waiter"Hidan you can't judge a restaurant before eating there!"

"Of course I can!"Hidan shouted in response while going towards a table"Hey fuckers get out of the table!"

"Hã....."Team 10, Izumo and Kotetsu were just looking at Hidan confused

"So it's going to take yopu guys forever or what?!"Hidan asked shouting.The konoha nin were about to attack when...

"Can we please solve this later far way from here?I don't feel like destroying this place. It's one of the best B&Q in the contry. And I'm hungry"

"No we solve this here and/

Hidan was shut up no jutsu by Kakuzo's tentacles making him sit quiet in a table near the Konoha-nin."Don't mind us. we can solve this later it's lunch time."Kakuzo casually asked while calling the waiter"Hello I would like the Filet mignon and your best red wine please. And you Hidan?"

"I don't want shit from-Oh there's Burguer here! I want the chesse-burguer  combo."said Hidan looking at the menu like a kid

"Hã?????"The konoha-nin were confused they were looking at the Akatsuki members who were they targets cassualy  eating near them with a hostage.

"Here your plates "the waiter served the Konoha-nin

"Asuma what do we do?"asked Ino

"Let's just eat we will need energy and we can't start a fight here, this is the restaurant area of the town and it's lunch break."

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