Natural vs Artificial

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"Naruto."Sasuke said in a cold tone

"Sasuke."Naruto said in a serious tone as well.

"Chidori!"Sasuke coincentrated some eletric purple chakra in his left hand and ran towards his ex team mate

"Sage:Rasengan!"Naruto made a rainbow rasengan with Narural chakra and connected it with Sasuke's chidori.There was a big chakra shock wave and Sasuke flew a few meters away and so did Naruto.

"Toad's Sage-mode? You got stronger then I thought you would Dope."said  Sasuke

"And you seen to have got  better using the curse mark."said Dope

"Naruto-kun!"Hinata came running into the destroyed area.

"Hinata you better no interfer."demended Sasuke

"Sasuke?"Hinata got surprised after seeing him

"Hinata go check the others. I will deal with Teme here."

"Hai."Hinata went to check on the others. They were all passed out or under a genjutsu.She began with Karin healing her broken arm.

"Dope I have no desire to kill anyone but Itachi. And I don't want to train right now. So get your friends and leave."

"Ok I'm going to do that. I'm going to grab my ALL my friends and leave. And that includes you Teme!"shouted Naruto

"That's not happening Dope."

"Oh for sure it is!Chains!"Naruto then used his clan chakra chains in a atempt to capture Sasuke

"Hm."Sasuke the did the same, but diferent from Naruto's chains that were rainbow like his were purple, both chains collided and wraped around each other.

"How?! That's impossible!"Naruto wasn't beliving in what Sasuke just did.

"Coping a jutsu is the basic of the sharingan. Mine is just another level."said Sasuke

"Yeah but not even Kakashi sensei can copy them!"

"I will only explain it  to you because you are to dumb to remember it,Dope. My sharingan allows me to  see the chakra moldation and my Mangekyo Sharingan copies it. Allowing me to mirror the jutsu. it's kinda hard to do with elemental affinitys differents from mine and impossible with genetic Genkka Genkkai but other then that it is pretty easy." explained Sasuke "And they call Kakashi the copy ninja."

"Really ? So copy this! Sage:Futton:Whirlwind! "Naruto blew a great amount of wind from his mounth

"Katon:Great Fire ball!" Sasuke shot at Naruto's whirlwind, getting stronger.And now a gigant fire ball was going towards Dope.

"Shit! Sage:Suiton:WaterRise!" Naruto then shot a big amount of water form his mounth extinguishing the fire. Resulting in a mist covering the area.

 "What part of it's kinda hard to do with elemental affinitys that are diferent from mine you didn't understand?"Sasuke sacastically asked in the middle of the mist."Hm?"Naruto then appered in front of Sasuke and began a Taijutsu battle."Did you really think that a little mist would be enough to make me blind?"(Damn Sage mode. I'm going to need to use the second stage of the mark if I want to keep up with him.)thought Sasuke.Actually having problems to block Naruto's attacks even with curse mark on stage one.(I need a distraction.)Sasuke then began to look around for something that could distract the blond he was fighting.

mean while with Hinata...

"The mist is dense and infused with Natural chakra. It distorces the byakugan a little."said Hinata watching the fight while healing Karin

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