The 5th Hokage

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One day later...

"I can't believe that I won!"Tsunade shouted 

"I can't believe I lost."Jiraya said

"In your face Ero-Sannin!"

"I still don't know how I lost"

"I won , I won , I won!"Tsunade started to sing it

"We got it Bachan! You have being shouting that you won for three hours now! Can't we get back to Konoha in peace?! "Naruto shouted

"Shut up brat! I won , I won!"Tsunade was just to happy.

"So Hokage -sama?"

"Oh Hina-chan I'am not the  Hokage yeet , but even when I become one you may call me Tsunade-sensei. I won , I won !"

"How rare is that?"Naruto asked Shizune

"Well winning, really rare. Against Jiraya this is the first time."

"And I hope it's not the last! I won , I won!"Tsunade would regret that later

"Really when we played to see who would be Hinata's sensei  , who you had guess that she would get three royal flushs in a row"Jiraya wasn't beliving in what jus happend

"So Tsunade-sensei , what will we train?"Her new disciple asked

"Well , first I will teach you chakraless medice and then medicinal jutsus and/

"Tsunade , you should first teach her the sage mode. And how to control it." Jiraya recorded her old team mate

"You right , then I will teach you how to control chakra potency , and you could also teach me a thing or two about your byakugan. I always wanted to have a Hyuga disciple and  I won't let this oportunity go!"Tsunade shouted as she was excited

"Ari-arigato Ho- Tsunade-sa- Tsunade-Sensei."

Three days later,At the Gates of Konoha...

The two guards were sleeping at work when they were woke by a powerfull slap in the face.

"Haaaaaaa we under attack!"Both shouted only to recive another slap.

"Really you two were sleeping in service , luck you that I'm not officially the Hokage , otherwise you two would be demoted to gennin."Tsunade said making both guards almost almost crap their pants.

"Ha-hai!"Both man shouted

"Now let's go heal your friends."Tsunade said as she went straight to the hospital.

"I feel bad for Kakashi sensei, she will kill him when he arrives late for the first time."Naruto whispered to Hinata.

A few moments later , at the hospital...

Kakashi was in a coma thanks to a fight agaisnt Itachi and Kisame , Guy , Kurenai and Asuma were there for him"Poor Kakashi sempai, it's been more then a week that he has been in coma. I wish I could had done something to help."said kurenai

"Don't let your self down Kurenai , Itachi is a Genjutsu master as well , you only lost to him beacuse he has more experince than you in fighting another genjutsu users."Asuma tryed to confort his secret girlfriend.

"Yes Kurenai don't let your flames of youth run out!"Guy said with said flames in the eyes.

"Thanks guys. So Guy how is Lee-kun."

"He is fine but unfortuanally he won't be able to train for about a year."Guy said as if his flames of youth were low, next to none.

They were still having a small chat when the door of the habitation opened and Tsunade entered the chat. Along side Jiraya , Shizune,Tonton,Naruto and Hinata."Sorry to interrupt the chat but may you guys tell me what is his condition?"

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