A new mission

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{Coversation in another plane}


/ interruption




A two weeks later...

"Raven to Yellow, do you see him, over?"

"Yellow to Raven ,yes over."

"Flower to Raven and Yellow wait for my signal,over."

"Flower Target is getting close,over."


As sakura gave the signal the trio of gennin got out of their hidden spots and attacked their target.

"I got him!!!I got him!!!"Naruto got the target

"Good job Dobe."

"Finally we got him."

*Miiaaaauuu!*The target scratched Naruto's face.The target was the one and only Tora, the cat of the fire lord's wife. 

"Ouch!!! You stupid cat!!! Luck you the want you alive because/

"Miiiaaaauuu"Tora scratched Naruto's face again

"This time you die!"Naruto was about to take a kunai out of his pokect when Kakashi stoped him

"Naruto for more that I would like, we can't kill this cat, (not because this thing is imortal, or anything), because we need him alive to complete this mission,now let's go to the hokage's office"


At the hokage's office...

"Hokage-sama"The masked jounin said while entering the room"We got the cat, again."

*OH MY PRECIOUS TORA!!!!!GIVE ME GIVE ME HIM!!!!!*The fire lady screammed.

"Here "Naruto was about to give her the cat when she just tooked the cat from his hands with a speed that was beyond normal.

*TORA MISSED YOU SO MUCH !!!MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY!!!!*The woman screamed while she was smashing the cat again's her fat body.*THANK YOU IRUZEN FOR GETTING HIM BACK FOR ME!!!!!NOW MY BABY LET'S GO BACK HOME*The lady left the room

*TORA COME BACK HERE!!!!!!*The woman from before screamed form more then a block a way.

"Well look's like the infamous catching Tora mission is back."The hokage looked at the gennin with an evil smile

"Jiji give us a real mission again! I understand the importance of D ranks but come on we have done this Tora's mission so many times that I'm starting to have deja vus."

"Don't even tell me about it."The gennin didn't understand the Hokage's comment"Well you luck Naruto another low C rank just appered but I'm kind suspicious of this one so I will be sending your team and another two teams for this mission."

"Awesome!"the trio of gennin's were happy"So who are the others teams?"As Naruto said that the Fire lord's wifi rushed through the door


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