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"Ok next match...Hinata and Neji. Please.*Cof cof*"Neji calmaly went to the hall while Hinata was trembeling in place."Hinata please.*Cof cof*"

"Come on Hinata don't be afraid of that Neji guy.I know you can beat his ass."Naruto tryed to give courage to Hinata.

"You right"Hinata proceded to go to the center of the hall a lot more confident but still trembeling.

"Both of you ready?"

"Hinata-sama you should forfeit."Neji said shocking everyone

"Hey Kakashi sensei why did he called Hinata , sama?"

"Simple Naruto their clan the Hyuga clan is divaded into two branchs, the main branch and the secondary ones.Neji is from the secondary branch and Hinata is from the main, more specific the heir."

"So she's like a princess?"

"More or less so"

"So Hinata what will be?We both know that you are a failure and as no chance of winning this fight."Neji verbally attacked Hinata making her tremble even more.


"Hey Hinata don't you dare believe on the lies of this idiot!And you idiot  don't you dare lie to  Hinata like that. She  isn't   a failure she's strong.And will beat your ass!"The blond shouted from the stands.Giving Hinata the courange and strength to fight.

"I won't lose Neji-niisan"Hinata said as she activated her Byakugan with out hand signes

(She became more confident. )"That isn't what destiny as instored for you"Neji did a hand sign"Byakugan".

"Both ready?"Both assumed their fighting stance.

"*Cof cof*Hajime!"As Hayate annouced the start of  the fight both combatents jumped into one and other.Exchanging blows in the Hyuga fighting style.

"Your change in confidence won't change a thing.So forfeit already."

"Never.Not when..."Hinata looked at Naruto with her byakugan."I have more to lose than you think."


"Hinata, the ancients have voted to expel you from the clan."Hiashi told Hinata with a said look on his face.Making Hinata feel even more like a failure."But there's still hope."Hinata looked at her father"All know that this is too much and almost impossible but if you become a chunin in this chunin exam you won't be expeled from the clan."


Neji got angry with this coment"You have nothing to lose. You are the heir of the main branch you can get everything you want on a silver plate. You just don't want to see someone from the branch succed."

"No it isn't that...I understand your pain nii-san."

Neji got even more angry then he already was." You don't know pain. You don't know what it is to be neglected. You don't know what is to be alone. What is to don't have a family. You had everything. You and the main branch have everything."Neji said as he speed up his attacks and used more chakra on them.

"Of course I know..."

"Shut up..."Neji got more and more angry as Hinata speaks"You are a failure , you can't even recognise how privilage you are." Neji used even more speed in his attacks

"Nii-san why do you have so much hate in your heart?"

"What I have in my heart is destiny!"Neji then started to use his maximum speed."Why won't your tenketsu close?!!!"Neji got even more angry.(Everytime I hit them they won't close,why?)

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