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After 7 hours of travel team Rockies have finnaly arrived at the Waterfall village.It was a much smaller village in comparasion to Konoha.

"Alright,my beautiful genin, Kurenai , Asuma  and I will meet with the village leader ,while you will look for a hotel to stay the night, the budget is on you, we meet here in one hour."Kakashi said while they were entering the village

"Excuse-me, who are you and what are your bussyness here in the Waterfall village?"the gatekeeper blocked the way

"Just a second I have the document riiiight heere."Kakashi checked all his pockets before giving the documents to the guard.

"It's ok you can go."

"Alright see you later my precious gennin don't get in any trouble."Kakashi Kurenai and Asuma left the gennin on their on.

"Good now what?"Sakura asked

"Let's divide us in two groups, restaurant's and hotel group.Which group will look for their name, we meet here in one hour"

"And who nomenated you the leader Shikamaru"the Uzumaki complained

"What a drag. Do you have any better Idea?"

Naruto paused for five seconds before saying"No."

"Just as I thought.Group Restaurant will be Me , Choji, Naruto , Hinata and Sasuke.Hotel, Kiba , Shino , Sakura and Ino."

"And where should we go leader Shika?"The Yamanaka sarcastically said.

"Look for taller  and wider buildings.Choji guide us"

"Why Choji will guide us?"

"Simple Naruto my nose is the best when it comes to food."Choji placed his nose superior to Inuzuka's.

"No better then mine."The Inuzuka responded

"No muc/

Shikamaru shuted Choji up before he started a fight"Choji let's go"

 half an hour later...with the restaurant group...

"Good now we have a list of all the restaurant's we can pay for at least a week"

"Why Shikamaru?"

"Why what?Choji"

"Why none of the good one's are in the list?

"Because they are too expensive. Now let's get going."The restaurant group was going back to the  meeting point when...

{Kit , one of my brother's is close}


{I think it's Chomei.And he seens to be asking for help.}

{How close?}

{Two kilometers, about three miles.North.}

{What do we do?}

{I don't want to mess up your mission so we go help him at night}


Half an hour later , back at the  gate...

"So did you found a Hotel?"

"Yup Shikamaru we found a cheap one"Not-pinky-sparkle gave her report on her mission wannabe.

"Alright my beautiful gennin let's go have dinner then go to the hotel."The jounin instructors reunited with their students.And then they went for dinner before going to the hotel.

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