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{Coversation in another plane}


/ interruption



Back to konoha 

Team 7 & 8 passed by the gates of the leaf village. And the first thing Naruto did was kiss the ground of the village"Oh kami , how much I missed this place!Hey guys do you want to go to Ichiraku?!"

"Naruto no baka we need to do the report first!"Sakura punched Naruto's head

"Ouch Sakura-chan why are you so mean?"

"Because you are a idiot"

{Why do you like her again?}Kurama demended some answers

"Not-Pinky-Sparkle please don't punch Whiskers "Kurenai said trying to copy the copy ninja.

"You don't need to worry about the report leave it to Kurenai and me."The copy ninja said for the happiness of both teams"Also we are going to give you guys an week break so enjoy it and dont't worry you will recive payment of an A rank mission"

"Yes!!!"both teams  shouted

"So do you guys want to go to Ichiraku"Naruto tryed a second time

"No"Sakura said

"Yes"the rest said"But first we would like to take a shower"

"So do we meet at Ichiraku in a hour?"the blond asked

"Two I need to solve some stuff first"The Inuzuka said

"Alright we meet at Ichirakus in two hours."

"Dobe, take a bath first."

"Of course I will Teme."Naruto ran home


Two hours later...

Naruto was already at Ichiraku with his civil clothes waiting for everyone to arrive{Kurama do you thing they will come}

{I'm not sure. But some of them would rather spend some time with their familys}

{Yeah I think I will stop waiting}As Naruto was about to enter the restaurant he heard a familiar voice

"Hey Dobe"Sasuke had showed up for Naruto surprise.He was if regular civil clothes

"Hey Teme you came!"

"And you was about to eat with out me."

"Hehe, let's go? I'm starving."

"Let's wait for them, more ten minutes."


ten minutes later...

"Well nobody arrived, let's eat Teme"Both Naruto and Sasuke were entering Ichiraku when they heard

"So-sorry for being late."A female voice apologised

"No worrys Hinata me and Teme haven't even entered yet."

"O-ok" Then the trio entered the ramen tent and sitted right next to it other with Naruto on the midddle.

"Welcome. Oh if it isn't Naruto. "Teuchi missed his favorite custumor"It's being a while, were you on a mission?"

"Yes and it was suppose to be a C rank but it end up being an A rank instead!"

"That's amazing Naruto , Ayame-chan come here see who is back!"

"Who is it? Oh Naruto it has being a while . Were you on a mission ?"

"Yes.And it was awesome.It was an A rank one."

"Naruto you truly are amazing."Ayame complimented the blond and then noticed the two who were next to him."So who are your friends?"

"This are Sasuke and Hinata.Sasuke is my team mate and Hinata is from another team.

"So what will you guys want? Let me guess Naruto you want Miso-lamen."


"I will take shrimp"

"I-I will take the same as Naruto-kun."

"Oh right . Tou-san two Miso and one shrimp"

"So dobe how did you learn Fuinjutsu?"

"Oh my sensei is a seal master level 9, and he decided that it would be  a good ideia to me train fuinjutsu."

"And who is your sensei, Dobe?"

"An old pervert called Jiraya. he's really strong but a real pervert."

"Wait Jiraya , like the sannin?!"

"Yes Sasuke."

"That explains why you became so strong."

"Actually I was the one who me . Most of the time the old pervert as too busy peeping to train me.But anyway Sasuke would you like to learn fuinjutsu?"

"Just the basics so I can use scrolls insted of bags"

"Ok so you will need to become a seal master level 2 with you want to be able to seal food properly. "The blond took out a scroll from his waist with the tag scrolls and took a scroll 'fuinjutsu for dummys'"Here, no  offence but this is the bests scroll for begginers, Hinata can prove it."

"Yes it's really easy , simple , and quick to learn with it."

"I will give it a try"Sasuke took the scroll 

"Hey Hinata if you end up having any problem with yours just ask me ok?"


"Here two Miso Lamen and one Shrimp"Teuchi served the food



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