Chapter 24

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Headmaster's Office

"So, John," Vaughn tapped his fingernails on the mahogany surface, "What do you think? Is this an accurate report?"

Sinking in the worn leather chair opposite the desk, John gaped at the bright monitor. The wall of text, only broken apart by grainy pictures, made his head spin. His lips pressed together as he read the hellish retelling of his trauma. The article was well written, each word striking the reader with a sense of dread. It was unbelievable that this horror story was his life - his story. But he wasn't entirely satisfied. There wasn't a phrase that could describe his experience better than any of the ones already used, but they still failed to encapsulate the full effect. Although, John couldn't find the  words to explain it himself either, so this was as accurate as it would get.

"It's good." he said flatly, refusing to pull his eyes from the screen, "The amount of detail...makes if feel very real."

"That is the intention," Vaughn sighed, "Hopefully, the masses will trust the evidence and revolt, then the higher ups will be forced to act if they want to remain in power."

"Does that mean Keon and EMBER would be-"

"Shut down and penalised? Almost certainly." The man nodded, "The government will abort the cause if it threatens their position." He paused, folding his hands on the table, "You'd be able to come out of hiding."

John finally looked up, his rich eyes growing big with hope, "Sir, you mean it?" he hunched his shoulders together, leaning forward.

"Yes, you'll be able to return to a normal life, or as close to it as possible." Vaughn said, "Obviously, this kind of damage can never be fully erased. "

That was a truth John wanted to ignore. He knew the deeds done to him and the ones he did to others could never be undone. He wanted to do what was right and do his best to atone for  his wrong doings, but deep down he wished it was possible for him to leave the past behind him - forgiving himself and moving on. To live a life that was pure and normal. Go to school, complain about the immeasurable hardships of the teen years, hang out with friends... not weighed down by the pitiful glances of those around him. Especially the looks that shifted to fear as soon as he did something mildly unexpected. He yearned for an escape - a way in which the damage could be fully erased.

"My point is, focus on getting your life back. If I don't have it in me to hate you, then I doubt anyone else will."

Leilah...this woman...had a way with words. John smiled faintly, before zoning back in to the office and forgetting about the spark in  her eyes when she spat her blunt irony in his face.

"I understand, sir." John said, "When will you publish it?" he peeked at the grayscale shot of Keon pressing his hand against he crown of John's head, his face against the metal table. He hoped the answer was 'soon'.

"Keene will finalise the exports and upload the article as soon as I tell him too." Vaughn said, stroking his beard, "It's up to you."

"Please, as soon as possible." he balled his fists, "I want a life."


"So when's he gonna be back??" 

"I don't  know." Blyke said, pouring some chips into a bowl, "My guess is as good as yours, Remi."

"How about 'never', that sounds good to me." Isen fidgeted on the stool, leaning on the countertop with his elbow.

"You better fix your attitude, bro." Blyke nudged him, "If you can't keep a level head then you should leave."

"Alright, alright!" he raised his hands defensively, "I'll try, but let's not forget who we're dealing with. How can we sit here casually when-"

The lock clicked in the door. "I'm back!" John called out, walking into the room without glancing up from the floor.

"Ah, hey, bro." Blyke said, watching Isen, who stopped breathing.

"Curfew happens to be a useful tool for when u want to avoid being seen by any-" John finally looked up and stopped in his tracks, "Sh*t, what's going on, Blyke?"

"Curfew happens to be a useful tool for when u want to avoid being seen by any-" John finally looked up and stopped in his tracks, "Sh*t, what's going on, Blyke?"

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