'Haze' teaser

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With a quiet click, the key turned and the silver choker unclasped from around her neck. She reached up, catching the only object that could keep her power suppressed. Pulling the delicate chain to her chest, "What are you doing?!" She asked.

"Dani." The young man grazed his warm fingers down her dusted rose cheek. " I know it's rash and probably crazy, " he said, " but I want to do it if it means I'll be with you."

Dani shrunk back, dodging his paralyzing touch. Bare foot, she stepped back on the drenched peer. She clutched her black trainers and fallen chain tighter. Tears welled in her lowered eyes. She wanted to do it - transform him into something she and her family deemed better. A sick mindset. She couldn't act on that desire, not now, not ever. "I can't ask you to do change your entire being for my sake." She said.

"I'm the one asking." He held out his slim, long hands to wrap around her wrists, beckoning her to stay, "I know what I want." His brow creased. The rain clouds cast a shadow over his rich eyes as he licked his cracked, bottom lip, "Sing for me... please."

The salty wind ran through his gentle hickory curls and glided over his vivid olive skin. Motionless, he stared into Dani's soul. He was serious.

Beating faster, her heart fluttered, only to be overcome with dread and guilt. Could she do it? Make him become like her so that they would be together always? Was it selfish of her to wish it? She read the plead in his almost-glowing eyes. But he wanted it too. He was begging her to change him.

They could have it all. Together.

Sucking in a breath, the young man parted his full lips as Dani placed her palm over his heart. "Fine." She breathed, snapping her measuring gaze to his, "As you wish..." she rose up to her tip-toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him in an embrace.

As he returned her hug, Dani pressed against his ear and whispered a sweet melody. One which had been passed on through generations in her family. The grip around her waist began to slowly loosen, until the man's arms were lax at his sides. Lessening her song to a low hum, Dani held the ridge of her love's jaw and dared to look into his clouded eyes, now tinted with a shade of magenta that matched her own.

Clinging to his swaying shoulders, she leaned back. Falling off the edge of the peer, they crashed into the dark water. Dani pulled him down into the depths, fixated on his absent gaze.
When the last bubble of air escaped him, Dani bit her tounge and stroked his cheek. Closing her eyes, she gently kissed his cold lips.

~end of prologue~

4 years earlier

“Why do you hate me?” Dani asked, clenching her fist around the pencil she was holding. She bit down on her cheek and deepened her scowl, awaiting his answer. She could rarely bring herself to meet his piercing, dark gaze. Today was no different.

“I don’t hate you.” He said, hesitating before he uttered the keyword, “I just don’t agree with you.” He tapped the corner of his lip and tilted his head before continuing his monologue. Carter wasn’t what Dani had imagined him to be. What she expected him to be.

They weren’t alone. The rivals shared a classroom with the other 28 juniors that were supposed to be learning about quadratics. How many were focused on the assigned work? No one could be certain, but the irrelevant chatter was loud enough for Carter and Dani’s endless conflicts to fade into the background noise.

Sitting opposite her, Carter stared Dani down. His attitude bled through in his low voice. Carter spoke eloquently and his words were smooth as silk. Primarily to intimidate his opposition into believing they were too dim-witted to form a sequence even half as fluent as his. 
“And so, as you can see...” more. There was always more. As if he couldn’t take a hint. It didn’t matter what the topic was, he would certainly have something to add to the discussion.

 Dani sighed, resting her elbows on the desk. She tucked a strand of coal-like hair behind her ear, pressing her index and middle finger to her temple. She just wanted to move on.  But it was… Carter. How could she leave him behind? His thick, mahogany hair, deep scarlett  eyes and the way his button nose scrunched up when he beamed his best shining smile. Like most fairies, he was a looker. But Carter stood out from the rest of his kind, he dressed in casual formal attire. Usually wearing loose, buttoned shirts with the sleeves rolled up to his pointed elbows. He couldn't afford to look less than dashing, he had his family's reputation to uphold. Carter Saule's heritage was made clear by his delicate wildberry wings and pale complexion.

The sunlight shone through their thin membrane and cast a red tint onto the surface of the plain, vaneered desk. 

The room was still and dead silent, aside from the strained speech of the biology teacher. She was a lucky woman, no one who was ever 'taught' by her could understand how she maintained this source of income. It must have been some sort of miracle. Dani doubted whether even vampiric compulsion was powerful enough to convince someone that a teacher who misspelled the word 'science' was qualified to teach it.  Hopefully, no one in the room wanted to pursue medicine or any other career that required knowledge of basic biology, if so, they should kiss that pipe-dream goodbye.

Her chair creaking, Dani leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms. Her eyes were half-closed as she traced Ms Edding's walking patterns in front of the large board.  She had an undisturbed view, sitting in the front row. Not that Dani chose that seat, with a joke like Edding here, the back looked even more appealing than usual. But the seating plan is the seating plan - it was a legal requirement. There was no point in making a fuss about it. She was paired with Simon Halewell.

He was slumped forward, balancing the side of his jaw on his left hand while he fiddled with a pen with the other, spinning it between his narrow fingers. His champagne eyes were bursting with an enthusiasm that matched Dani's.

Although she would have appreciated a good conversation to distract herself  - Simon wasn't much of a talker and, from what Dani had seen, mostly hung around a small group of cursed-men and a shapeshifter. He was on good terms with most others, but those folk in particular where his people. He preferred to be in the background, away from any gossip or shallow conflict. That's what Dani assumed, at least. They hadn't spoken in years.

There was an unsettling stillness about Simon - like the calm before a storm. Despite being at rest, his eyes were shadowed by his thick, dark brows.


Alright, these are just little unfinished snippets of the story- it's a mess I know.

But I hope you enjoyed reading through it :)

I hope to chat with you soon!

Till next time<3

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