Chapter 9

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His fingers twitched as he regained consciousness. Opening his heavy eyes, John tried to focus on the figure leaning over him. But his vision was still hazy.  He tried to sit up, however he was held back. He was strapped down by the limbs to a bed. It was his cell bed. With his sight clearing, he got a good look at the woman near him. She had navy hair tied in a bun and she had her hands extended and hovering above his head.

"004, stay still." She said, continuing to focus on his forehead. She had her ability active and she was healing him.

After a moment she sighed, shaking her head, "What were you thinking?" She asked, "What you did was extremely dangerous, you're lucky I came when I did."

Lucky? Obviously not.

Staying still, John closed his eyes, planning out his next move. Now, when he would achieve his objective was dependant on so many things; whether this woman will unstrap him afterwards, whether the shattered glass is still there, whether he's strong enough to actually... He bit his lip, he had to be strong enough this time.

It's for the best.

"Alright, now, I'm required to ask you a few questions." The medic said as she finished up, "Why did you do it? What drove you to bashing your own head in?" She had a stern expression, but it was laced with both concern and a sick curiosity.

"I don't know." John lied, keeping his eyes off of the woman.

"I can't accept that as an answer." She stated, "You had a motive and you are obligated to tell me what it was."

Pausing, the boy's skittish gaze met her's, while he thought about what she said. Although he knew he wanted to keep his plan a secret, now a big part of him felt like he needed to tell her. He was required to do so. It was his job, his place on the food chain. But John knew he had to make sure she won't find out about the voices.

Remaining silent,  John swallowed the lump in his throat, turning away from and ignoring the medic.

Grinding her teeth, the woman warned, "If you don't comply, I'll have to  force it out of you."

The asset didn't react and continued to lay silently. But then, he gasped as the woman pulled him by his hair, to face her.

"Why did you do it? What are you hiding?!"

No answer.

Grunting , the medic dropped him and reached for her walki talkie. "Could 001 please come to cell 14?" She spoke into the radio,  "Yes, that cell. Thank you.", she nodded, finishing the conversation.

John kept looking away from the woman, facing the wall, instead. That was until he heard the door open. He peeked with the corner of his eye, to see who he was going to be dealing with.

In the entrance, stood a tall, slender woman, with her blonde hair tied in a pony tail atop her head. She was wearing a classic, grey office-type outfit. "You called?" She asked the medic.

"Yes." The other woman nodded, "I need help motivating 004. It's being difficult. I hope you weren't too busy."

"Nothing I can't catch up on, later." She waved her hand dismissively and paced over to the woman. "So, you ask the questions and I make sure you get a satisfying answer?" She asked the medic.

"As always." She nodded, a smirk forming on her face.

Blondie activated her ability and looked down at the boy, "So, we finally meet, 004." She said, "I must say, after everything I've heard about you, I expected more. I'm disappointed and offended that they would replace me, as their favourite, with you."

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