Chapter 3

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Wellston Private Highschool

It was class time when William arrived at the main gates. He smiled wickedly at the thought of his son's inevitable fit when he comes home today. He loved getting on John's nerves, all in the name of good fun of course!

Pulling his small wheelie case along, the man crossed the school perimeter and headed to where the dorms were, to his understanding. As he gleefully paced, he admired the lovely courtyard. The grass was green, the trees were pretty and the atmosphere was calm. William had no complaints.

"Excuse me!", a man called after him, he had pale brown hair and glasses, "Hello, my name's Keene. I'm the head of security here.", he shook the visitor's hand and asked, " Who might you be?"

"I'm William, William Doe!", he beamed, tipping an imaginary hat, "I'm here to see my son, John."

The other man raised his brows, not knowing what to say. Keene crossed his arms and asked for the father to follow him to the headmaster's office.

Reluctantly, William agreed, questioning what it was that John had done this time.

Upon reaching the door, Vaughn welcomed William inside, dismissing Keene. 

"Apologies for my unannounced visit.", William said, slightly intimidated by the bearded individual, " John wasn't picking up his phone and you know how worried parents can get."

Vaughn sighed, resting his elbows on the broad desk. "I am sorry to tell you, but your son is no longer attending Wellston."

The man almost fell out from his chair, "He was expelled?! Why wasn't I informed? What did he do?!-"

"Unfortunately, John wasn't expelled.", he continued with a pained expression. "He was abducted by an organization called EMBER, I'm sure you've heard of it."

"Abdu- John was kidnapped by a gang of murderers!?", his shock fazed into anger, " When? "

"About three months ago."

"Why am I only hearing about this now?", he squinted at the headmaster, " If I hadn't shown up, would you have ever informed me of my own son's disappearance?! "

"I do apologize, I didn't want to alert you until we had more information.", Vaughn said.

" MoRe InFoRmAtIoN. Have the police found any leads yet?"

"Well, recently it has been discovered that the authorities and EMBER are cooperating.", he continued, " And we have reasons to believe they're keeping John captive as a valuable resource."

"Valuable resource? He's just a reckless kid!", he exclaimed

" You forget that this 'reckless kid' is not only one of the most skilled and powerful students to ever attend Wellston, ", Vaughn stated, " but his ability is rare and has incredible potential. Any party wanting power would kill to have John working for them."

William was speechless. Not only was his only son stolen, but he was also a slave to the government?! At that moment, the man felt lost. He had no idea what to do. John was missing and no one could help, everything was hopeless!

Tearing up, he smacked the wooden surface. William felt so useless, there was nothing he could do. He was powerless against the authorities.

"What's going to happen next?", he asked the headmaster.

The man lowered his glance, " I wish I could say something of comfort, but I must be honest. ", he said, " I don't know. I've done everything in my power to keep the authorities out of my students' business. But I failed my task. I don't see how we could help at this time."

"Then what do you expect me to do now? I just learned that my son is gone, missing, held against his will!!", William called, covering his eyes with his trembling hand, " And there's nothing we can do about it!"

"Mr Doe, I will try to get as much information as I can and keep you updated. But other than that,  there's nothing I can currently do.", Vaughn said, " All of John's belongings are still in his dorm, you can go there if you want. To collect what you wish-"

"Don't talk about him like he's dead.", William met the man's gaze, " John is out there somewhere! Suffering!"

"I'm sorry. You're right.", Vaughn sighed, " But please visit his room, I think it'll do you good. Do you know where it is?"

William nodded slowly, standing up from his seat, "Could I have a key? It's going to be empty..."

The headmaster agreed and handed him a small metal key from a large cabinet filled with them.

"Thank you for your efforts.", William said, leaving the office.


Unlocking the door, William entered his son's empty dorm. He looked around briefly; it seemed John's roommate was in a rush this morning,   a bowl of unfinished oatmeal was still on the counter and crumpled pyjamas were scattered across the floor and couch.

Leaving his luggage by the door, he walked further into the room. The man approached three doors, two of them left ajar. The room straight ahead was the bathroom, while the other open one was just as chaotic as the living room.

That left the closed door. He turned the knob, scanning the space. It was dark. The blinds were drawn and bedding was black. The whole room was neat and tidy, with only miscellaneous bits of workout equipment left out.

This was John's room.

William stepped in and sat down on the cold, dusty bed. He sat there, not doing anything for a while. He still didn't fully acknowledge that his son was really missing and hoped that he would just come home after school. He didn't want to face the truth.

He decided to pull out his phone and dial John's number. He waited until the voice mail opened and whispered, "Hey son. I don't know if you'll ever hear this, but I'll keep talking anyway.", his grip on the phone tightened, "I hope you're OK. Just-  remember that I love you... no matter what. Don't ever forget that!", he bit his lip, limply placing his phone in his lap as he hung up.

Why did this have to happen? William folded over, leaning on his shaky knees.



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