Chapter 2

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The Facility

The guard sat on the small bench next to the cell. He was fiddling around with his phone, trying to distract himself from the wait for John to return.

It was his slot for ability training, although Benji found it hard to believe that John could get even more powerful. But Keon would push him to his limits, harvesting the boy's full potential.

As expected, the teen was EMBER's best Asset yet. He was powerful, skilled and, most importantly, completely obedient.

Keon knew exactly how to break him. Benji found it extremely ironic that the man had guilt tripped John into submission, through convincing him that all of the violence and pain he caused made him an irredeemable monster, only to have him kill off vigilantes.

Hypocrisy. The man scoffed, baffled my the actions of his superiors. He thought John was an innocent kid who happened to be in the wrong place , at the wrong time. This was undeniable cruelty in all possible ways.

He perked up as his walkie talkie buzzed, "Benjamin, the session is almost done. Get ready to escort Asset 004 back to its cell. Over."

"Copy that.", he mumbled, standing up from his bench. He began slowly going to the room where John was. Benji  hated having to spend so much time with him. It pained him to see the boy transformed into this mindless thing.

Once he reached the training room, Benji peeked inside. There he saw a long line of people standing to the side while John stood before them. His iron cuffs were attached to a long chain that sprouted from the tiles.

He boy could still move but only to an extent. His eyes shone brightly as he quickly switched through the multitude of abilities he had access to,  finding the best and most useful combinations.

It looked to be an efficiency session. John had to improve his speed and precision when working with a large amount of different abilities to pass.

From the last time the guard witnessed a this type of session, it seemed the Asset had improved noticeably. He shifted through the powers seamlessly and was barely having any breathing difficulty. Which was better than before. John used to almost pass out with this many abilities to copy.

Benji stood by the door and waited for the assessment to finish.  After a short while, he heard Keon's voice from inside, "Alright, that's good enough for today. We shall continue next week.", he walked over to John, " You need to rest before your next mission. " The boy didn't dare meet his gaze, he just stared down at the floor.

Knowing it was his cue, Benji walked in and proceeded to remove the chain connecting John's cuffs to the tiles.

"Shall I escort him back to his cell, sir?", he asked, already leading the boy to the door.

" Yes, make sure it sleeps this time.", Keone sharpened his tone, "Use the pills if needs be."

The guard nodded, turning away from his superior. Pulling John along by his iron restraints, he guided him back to the cell.

Once he opened the door, he motioned for the boy to enter. He did and Benji followed him inside. He removed the cuffs and John sat down on his bed, soon toppling over into it like dead weight.

The guard sighed, "Aren't you curious as to why I'm in here with you?" The boy didn't react but Benji continued, "Well, I want to talk to you. You haven't spoken to me for over a month and you look dead inside.", he lowered his head, " I'm starting to think that you are... Look, I believe in you. You're better than they think you are. "

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