The end

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Hi guys - it's been such a long time now and I'm so sorry for never carrying this story through to the end. But, I did have an ending written even during consistent updates and I've decided that I owe it to you guys.

The following extract is a bit out of place and disconnected from where the story left off, but I hope you'll be willing to dip a toe into this universe again, just for a moment, to finally experience the end of this journey.


Finally, trying to calm his racing heartbeat, John huffed and breathed heavily. He won. He beat EMBER and saved his friends. Though, he was completely drained and exhausted after that. Smiling, he thought of Sera, wishing she could have seen him today. He turned to the people behind him, gleefully looking to his dad.

Then, the boy gasped, clutching his chest. He felt immense pain, shooting up and down his left arm. He fell to the ground, being too weak to stand.

"Son!!" William called, sprinting over to him, "John, what's wrong? What happened?!" He kneeled next to him and pulled him up into a half-embrace.

"I don't kno-... Know," John mumbled, tears spilling onto his cheeks as he clenched his jaw. "It hurts..."

William's eyes widened, "Someone, call an ambulance!! He might be having a heart attack!!" Tears began pooling in his eyes, but he saw the tall, blonde boy, Arlo, fumble around with a phone and make the call.

John began, "D-dad, I love yo-"

"Shh." William interrupted him, "You don't have to say that stuff, right now. You'll be alright!" He said eagerly, "The ambulance will be here soon, you'll be fine. Ok?"

"Ok." John said, but he felt so tired and dizzy. It seemed his lack of sleep and poor eating habits finally caught up to him. His heart threatened to rip itself from his ribcage. Then, he spotted someone behind his dad. They were engulfed by a bright light.

"Sera?" He whispered, his mouth hanging slightly ajar from shock.

"Wait, no!" William moved John's face so that he could look directly at him, "No, not Sera. Stay with me, son!!" He called. "They'll be here soon, just hold on a little longer, please!!" He begged, squeezing his son's skinny, cold hand.

"I love you, dad." John repeated, ignoring his difficulty breathing, "I'm sorry."

"For what?!" William asked, "You saved us all. You're a hero!... I love you too." He finally said, seeing the desperation in his son's eyes. "Listen, you're safe. EMBER is gone. We can go home, right after."

A frail smile spread across John's face, though his voice grew quieter as he said, "Thank you for not giving up on me, dad..." As he struggled to hear his reply, he grew limp in his father's arms, his head rolling back.

Then, all of his pain and weakness disappeared. Surprised, he easily got up to his feet and examined himself. Nothing hurt. Also, he noticed that his hands looked different, along with his arms and everything else. It looked healthy. He grinned, he couldn't believe it. He was really ok!

"Son?" William whispered, getting the boy's attention.

"Dad!!" John called, excitedly turning to look at his father, "Are you seeing this-" he fell silent, seeing him shake a raven-haired boy delicately.

"SON!!?" William rested the boy's head on his hand, to look at him. His son's face was expressionless and his dull eyes stared ahead blankly. "NO!! Don't go!! You can't die, you're a kid!! You were meant to grow up... start a family... and die when you're old and satisfied with your life..." he reasoned, trying to convince his boy to come back.

But there was nothing. It was too late.

"Am I d-dead?" John whispered, watching the scene. Tears welling in his eyes, he dropped down onto his knees, next to his father and desperately tried to get his attention, "Dad!! Please, I'm right here! I don't want to leave yet!! DAD!!" He threw his arms around the man's neck, but he was unfazed. He couldn't feel it. It was like John didn't exist anymore, just the shell that was left in his father's loving embrace.

John felt a hand on his shoulder, stroking him gently. He turned his head and gasped, "Sera..." he sprung to his feet, looking at every detail of her being.

"Yep." She replied, giving him a half smile, "Long time, no see, huh?"

Lowering his glance, John said, "I'm so sorry. This... death is horrible." He looked back at his father, unable to console him in anyway, "I caused so much suffering..."

The girl hugged him, tightly wrapping her arms around his waist, "I've missed you so much." She burried her face in his chest, "I'm really glad to be able to touch and talk to you again."

Surprised, he tilted his head, "What? Shouldn't you hate me? I literally killed you..."

"I could tell that wasn't really you. The look in your eyes that night- it wasn't it." She whispered, "It all made sense when I saw you in that facility-"

"Wait. You saw that? You were there?!" John asked staring into her sky-blue eyes.

She smiled, creasing her brow in sympathy, "I followed you back and stayed by your side. Every minute."

Weeping, William pulled his baby's body close to himself. Cradling it like he used to. He kissed the crown of John's head, holding him tightly until the ambulance finally arrived to take him away.

Three years ago, I wrote a book.

It was dedicated to a boy, who lived amongst a world of people crippled by their belief in the hierarchy.

Many powerful people enforced this hierarchy and the boy, allong with others, had suffered greatly at their hands, all his life.

This boy, he had trouble accepting   that reality and decided to use his ability  for others.

Helping those weaker than him, saving lives and sharing his beliefs.

He ended up dying.

But it wasn't sad because his death brought charity and the world....

became peaceful.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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