Chapter 4

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Wellston Private Highschool- Entrance

Stepping out of her car, Leilah walked towards the tall building, keeping her head up. Her face was glum but stern, she didn't want to get emotional here. She had only just touched up here makeup.

With a heavy sigh, she paced towards the headmaster Vaughn's office through the empty hallways. It was time the man was informed of Seraphina's passing.

Gently, she tapped her knuckles on the wooden door and was soon invited in my Vaughn's booming voice. "Come in."

Opening the door, Leilah stepped inside the room. She eyed the floor as she sat down in the chair opposite the man. "Good morning sir."

"Good morning to you as well. What brings you here, Miss Leilah?", he asked, leaning on his desk. " Do you have any more information on John?"

She bit her lip but nodded, "Yes. I believe I do.", she met the man's hard gaze and continued, " I have reasons to assume that John is one of EMBER's Assets. "

"Please, could you explain?" he creased his brow.

"The authorities have a collection of assassins that they use for all their dirty work. We call them Assets...", her voice faded

" Oh, I assumed it would be something of that sort.", he rubbed his bearded chin, "What's your evidence that John specifically has become one of these 'Assets'?"

"Well, Vaugh, I was just at a funeral yesterday."

"I'm really sorry to hear that-"

"It was my sister's."

The man's eyes widened, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Seraphina?! Dead?!

Leilah continued, "She was murdered by EMBER a few days ago and, from experience, I know that none of the Assets I worked with was powerful enough to kill someone of Seraphina's tier, aside from-"

"John killed Seraphina.", Vaugh stated, closing his eyed in contempt

" P-precisely. ", it was difficult for Leilah to talk about. She struggled to hold herself together.

The headmaster sighed, wondering about how he was going to break the news to William, now that he promised to keep him up to date on leads.  The man could barely believe it, himself.  This entire scenario seemed surreal, even to him. Not to mention that all of this tragedy was in god tier territory. The threat of EMBER was incomprehensible and growing by the day!

Action had to be taken. Plans made. Forces released.

Clasping his hands together, he clenched them.  He said to the woman, "Miss, with your expertise, how do you suggest we deal with EMBER?"

Leilah's mouth twitched as she hesitated. She had an inkling of an idea, but it was dangerous and...extreme...

"T-the best idea is to broadcast any information to the public, once we have solid evidence." she said, "It could spark a revolution. Alone we have no power."

"Then, we must eliminate all threats, together."

Boys' Dormitories

"Sh*t.", Blyke sputtered as he tripped. He just walked into his living space and hit something, tipping it over. Grumbling, he leapt to pick the obstruction up. The redhead tilted his head. The thing he tripped on was a suitcase and, even in the chaos of that morning, he didn't remember taking one out. Questioning the origin of the bag, he looked around and quickly noticed that John's door was open. Blyke was certain that he left it closed. No one had been in there for months.

Could it be? Was John back? Blyke grew irritated, he hoped he had returned, simply so that he good yell at him for disappearing without a hint of a 'goodbye'. He didn't even read any of the messages he sent him!

He ran across the living room, dodging the clothes and mess on the floor. Then, he slid to the door and called, "John! You better explain-", peering into the bedroom, he saw a man sitting on the bed, silently staring back at him, "You're not John.", Blyke concluded, crossing his arms, slightly embarrassed.

"No, I'm not.", said the man, wiping his eye, "You must be Blyke, my son's roommate.", he held out his hand and Blyke hesitantly shook it.

"You're John's dad, huh?", he said, "Could you tell him that he still owes me a meal. He promised!"

The man chuckled flatly, "I wish I could, boy. I really do.", he looked away, his faint smile fading completely.

Blyke was perplexed,"What do you mean, sir? Has something happened to him?", he asked.

"Please, call me William.", he put himself back on the side of the bed, "Sit with me."

Growing worried, Blyke nodded and complied, waiting for William to speak again.

"You see, I was just speaking with the headmaster and he said-", his voice cracked, "that John was kidnapped by EMBER."

"What?!", Blyke gasped with his jaw hangging, "Kidnapped-EMBER?!"

He felt awful. Sick, even. He'd been  annoyed at his roommate, him leaving randomly really hurt. But, knowing he was captured was even more painful, not to mention terrifying. Blyke had never met anyone as powerful as John before, but he fell to EMBER...  

The teen knew that he was the one who would have to tell the other Royals about this and he dreaded it. But now he needed to focus on comforting William, he couldn't imaging what he was going through right now.

 But now he needed to focus on comforting William, he couldn't imaging what he was going through right now

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