Chapter 5

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This chapter contains mentions and/or implications of:


-anorexia/ self-starving


-suicidal thoughts

Please, if you are triggered or upset by any of these themes, skip this chapter.

Till next time <3


The Facility- 2 months ago

"It's time, 004."

"Put that tracker on it."

"W-wait! Time for what?!", he called

"Is the uniform ready?"

"Of course."

"Answer me!", John thrashed, trying to escape that hands holding him down.

"Ugh! Didn't Sir say it was supposed to behave?!"

"You know how Keon works, if he says it's ready, it's ready."

He felt something clasp around his ankle, he attempted to look but a worker pressed his head back down against the tile. John's hands were cuffed and chained, as usual, he couldn't do anything! But he kept squirming, not calming down.

"This is useless! We won't be able to dress it if it keeps moving around!"

Dress me?! He thought and yelled, "Oh, HELL NO-!", the woman standing over him shoved a ball gag in his mouth and fastened it. WHAT THE FU*K?!!  But now he was unable to call or yell, he could barely gurgle.

"Finally, some quiet.", said the intrusive woman.

"Ah, so that's why you brought that along.", said her co-worker, "It won't stay still though!"

"004, you're making this WAY more difficult than it has to be!", she held his arms down, above his head, while he cried and slobbered, desperately trying to fight back.

The other worker started to unbutton John's pants, reaching for the dark uniform. In a fit, the Asset managed to break the cuff on one of his legs and kick the worker in the jaw. She fell backwards, as John tried to snap off the other cuff.

"Omg, Els, are you ok?!", called the woman pushing against his arms.

The injured woman seethed, "This is hopeless! Drug it!", she got up, dodging John's attempted kicks.

"But Keon said he wants to test 004's raw skills on this mission!", the other protested

"At this rate, there won't be a mission!"

"Fine.", the woman sighed, reaching to the table nearby and picked a syringe. John eyed the instrument, backing away from it to the best of his abilities. Tearfully he shut his eyes, facing away from the needle.

The woman slowly pierced his neck, carefully injecting the substance. "All done!", she chirped, taking away the empty container. John waited for the drug to take effect. At first, everything was the same, so he continued to pull and tug at the iron around his other leg. Then, he felt all of his muscles relax. He couldn't move his limbs, or anything else, it all drooped down, instead. His head rolled back, resting on the cold floor.  Between his half-closed eyelids, he could see double of his, suddenly very bright, surroundings. He could just feel the warmth of his saliva sliding down, across his cheek.

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