Chapter 8

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It was just before the first break and Blyke was restless in biology. He couldn't focus on the lesson at all, being too scatter-brained for the past couple of days. What William said shook him to the core. How could EMBER overpower John?!! That's insane!

Dread over came him. He still hadn't told the other royals about it. How was he going to explain or answer their questions, when he was completely clueless himself?

Unfortunately, he had to. It was his duty to infrom others of any potential dangers and, if it was all true, EMBER was an unstoppable threat. His friends deserved a warning, at least.

As soon as class let out, he texted the other high ranking students in the school, asking to meet on the roof. Once he arrived, he was surprised to see Cecile already there. The tension was thick when the girl sized him up with a piercing glare. Why did she have to get here first?!!

Awkwardly, they waited in silence, until others bagan to drizzle in. After a couple of minutes, the royals, Cecile and Isen where all gathered on the roof. Even Elaine came along, not leaving Arlo's side.

Calling for the attention of his peers, Blyke said, "Ok, I asked for you guys to meet up here, because I have something important to say." He lowered his glance, "It's to do with EMBER ... and John's disappearance."

"How can those, possibly, be connected?"Arlo asked, raising an eyebrow in doubt.

Meeting the taller boys dismissive gaze, Blyke said, " EMBER abducted him." He watched as the emotions shifted on the group's faces. Shock. Fear. Disbelief. Worry. He continued, "His dad, William, said that EMBER is working with the government and that they could be keeping John as a weapon of some sort."

"So, you're saying that a powerful, murderous organisation, that was actually even more powerful than we originally thought, has successfully captured and enslaved the strongest individual we've ever met?" Isen asked, chuckling nervously, "Lovely."

"Have you told Seraphina yet?" Remi asked the redhead, "Where is she?"

"Right, I forgot she got her ability back. I'll text her right now."

"There's no point." Cecile said. Until now, she had only been a shadow, silently drifting in the background. The group turned to her, confused. She continued, "Blyke is right, John is EMBER's weapon. " she bit her lip, "He killed Seraphina."

"What?!!" The rest shouted

"I overheard a private conversation between the headmaster and a woman." She said, "That woman was, supposedly, Seraphina's sister and had ties with EMBER. She said John is an 'Asset' and that he killed her."

Quiet blanketed the group, as the girl's words set in. They were dumbfounded. None of them knew how to respond. Seraphina was murdered, by John's hand. It sounded unreal. How was that possible? It was John and Seraphina; the absolute best friends that stuck with eachother through everything. A scenario that would lead to one killing the other was unimaginable.

Yet, it was reality.

"We have to do something!!" Remi yelled. She clenched her fists while hot tears fell down her face. "EMBER has crossed too many lines and they've done unforgivable things. We can't leave them be!"

"Remi! Are you hearing yourself?!" Arlo snapped, making her flinch. "They have John working for them and he's obviously loyal, given what he..." he lowered his glance, "If you go after them again, you won't stand a chance."

"B-but," Remi was weeping now, "We can't g-give up. We n-need to do this, for S-Seraphina." She felt a strong embrace around her shoulders. She leaned on Blyke's chest and hid her face, welcoming his soothing presence.

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