Chapter 11

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"We lost it!"

Unable to believe what he was hearing, Benji cautiously joined Keon and the worker in the control room.

"Sorry, sir, but what did you lose?" Benji asked, he needed to make sure-

"Asset 004." Keon said, pressing down and massaging his temples. "He went on a mission and we can't find him. The tracker seems broken."

"I'm gone for a few days and the firm shoots itself in the foot, amazing." The guard muttered to himself, he had never felt so important before. "So, what do we do, now?"

"Don't worry about it and go home, Benjamin." Keon said, "The higher-ups and I will to our best to regain  control over the situation. "

"As you wish, Sir" Benji took his leave, smiling faintly. Once he was outside, he called his former colleague, "Leilah, John escaped." He said, " Not to mention, I saw on the tracking screen that he was last logged in Wellston."


Resting on the bottom steps of a fire escape, John breathed heavily. Scooting closer to it, he leaned on the metal railing. He was drained of energy at this point, as if he wasn't earlier as well. But now, he was exhausted.

Having been dispatched nearby Wellston Private high school at around midnight, he made it his mission to get as far away as possible from where his superiors left him. When he was given his targets' files, on the day before, he recognised the redhead, Blyke. As well as Remi. Her name at least. There was also a boy called Isen, he assumed the three of them were  pretty close, since they were vigilantes together at some point.

Upon having made the connection, John had decided that he wouldn't follow his superiors' orders. He knew he wanted to escape, but he wasn't sure when or how. But, with these lives at stake, it seemed like a 'now or never' situation.

So he ran.

Although he quickly slowed to a walking pace. His deteriorated stamina didn't allow for him to run for very long. It's been almost eight hours since then and John still had his ability active, being completely on guard. 

However, none of his copied auras helped his get away, aside from 001's fire claw. It melted that metal tracker like butter. Although, he had do use a lot of energy to heal his ankle, right after. You could still see a faint burn there. He was too late to fix it properly, so the scar was permanent. It didn't matter though, no one cared anyway. Besides, it wasn't the only mark  he earned. He lightly traced the brand on his neck.

Die. Monster
Kill yourself
Do it
Kill yourself
Do it NOW

"Alright, give me  a sec!!" He called out angrily, but  felt grateful that there were no witnesses to his behaviour, as soon as he realised how crazy he must have looked.

Immediately, he chuckled to himself. Well, I am crazy.

Glancing up the rusty staircase, he considered jumping off the roof. The building looked tall enough for a fatal fall. Straining his weak limbs, he pulled himself up, holding onto the railing, and started to climb up the steps.

Then, he heard a child's voice "No! I want to go back to mommy!" It seemed to protest.

He paused, shifting his feet on the metal. Thanks to 003's ability, he had heightened senses, a tracking mechanism and physical enhancement. It was almost like the 'hunter' ability, but on crack. The child was probably a few streets down.

"Shut up you brat." A gruff voice threatened.

John's didn't want to meddle, he didn't feel like it was his place to judge. He himself had committed numerous atrocities.

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