Chapter 15

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"And he wants you to come home."

Home? John was speechless Dad knows and he wants me home?

He could go somewhere where he mattered. Where someone cared about him. Where he could feel safe and loved. Home.

His jaw slacked and he was unable to move. Relief washed over him and he felt light on his feet. He coughed out an awkward laugh, as tears dripped down his cheeks. Tears of joy. He covered his reddened face with his trembling hands. This scene was surreal. John half expected to wake up back in the facility at any moment.

"John." Leilah said, smiling assuredly, "Shall we go then?"

Blinking slowly, John rubbed his eye and nodded. Unsteadily, he stepped forward, wobbling to maintain his balance. His vision was going in and out of focus and he felt light-headed. Groaning, he gripped his temples. This was bound to happen. His ability only bought him more time, it wasn't a cure for his fatigue. He had to crash at some point.

"John?! What's wrong?" Leilah asked, patting his arm. The boy held onto her shoulder for support as his knees buckled under him. Confused, she looked up at his face. She saw his eyes roll back, while he collapsed onto her.

"SH*T!!" she grunted, stumbling back under his weight. But she caught him.

After calling his name a few times, she concluded that he had to be unconscious. The woman sighed, pausing time. She had to drag him over to her car, making sure no one would see them.

But at least she saved him. He was going to be ok now.


There was a low buzz around him and he felt a tingling vibration on the bottoms of his feet. Splitting his eyelids open, John noticed that the city was moving. Slowly lifting his head from the awkward and painful position on his shoulder, he looked around. He was strapped to the backseat of a car. He wiped the string of drool from the corner of his mouth and peeked at the driver. It was the same woman as before. He tilted his head, looking at her long, wavy hair and the bit of her face he could see from this angle. She heavily resembled Sera, in his mind at least. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he felt at ease.

Humming quietly, she finally saw him in the rear-view mirror. "Ah, you're awake!!" she called excitedly, "That's good. I was worried when you passed out on me earlier."

"Yeah, sorry about that." John muttered, "I was running on extremely low energy."

"Ha yeah! I assumed so." she chuckled, "But hey, now I can put some music on! What do you want to listen to?" she asked, reaching to her radio.

"I really don't care."

"Good answer." she turned the radio dial, leaving it on 'Closer' by The Chainsmokers and Halsey.

After a couple of minutes, John said, "Sorry, but I never caught your name."

"Oh, right!" the woman smiled, glancing at him over her shoulder, "It's Leilah."

Furrowing his brows, he asked, "So, Leilah, where are you taking me, exactly?"

"We are heading to Wellston Private High school, where we'll plan what to do next." she said as-a-matter-of-factly

"Oh, ok." John lowered his glance at the mention of that place. He was supposed to kill three students there last night. It was almost ironic.

Soon enough, Leilah pointed at out the window, "See that building over there? That's it!" she said "We're almost there." Chewing on the inside of his cheek, John watched as the school got closer and closer until they came to a stop.

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