Chapter 21

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It was a pretty big box, but Leilah could handle it herself. Elaine hadn't been to pleased to have been intruded upon, given that she had a guest over, but she understood that Leilah could want a box of Seraphina's belongings. It wasn't her place to stop her.

Now, the young woman was standing on the top floor of the boys' dormitories, she clutched the corners of the cardboard and rested the straining weight in her hip.  She stepped towards the pine door of her intended destination, exhaling. She doubted that she'd be greeted with a warm welcome - she'd drop the box off and leave, not wanting to disturb the residents further than she already had.

Letting the tension in her brow ease, she raised her hand to the pane and gently knocked her knuckles on it. Once, the sharp sound subsided, she awaited a response. Nothing.  Could they be out? No, John couldn't possibly leave his dorm yet. He had to be inside.  She pressed her lips together and knocked again, louder this time. Still nothing.

Having had enough of her own joke of a balancing act, she proped the wobbling box from her hip and lowered it to the floor. Growing nervous, Leilah leaned in, hoping to hear any sign of activity in the room. Despite the muffling barrier, she heard a distinct, "OH SH*T!! THE FU*K IS HAPPENING?!!" It didn't sound like John, nor William. It must have been the redheaded roommate - she never learned his name.

"I don't know!!" William yelled, "Hold the door-"  there was a deafening thud and the ground beneath Leilah's feet shook. "Fu*K, JOHN!!" the man exclaimed.

Leilah stood back, holding her hands close to her torso as almost a defencive action. What was going on?! As she was about to activate her ability and tear the pane from its hinges, she paused. If John has gotten out of hand, he couldn't have access to an abilty as powerful as her's. No way in Hell. Clenching her fist, she banged on he wood, "OPEN UP!! IT'S LEILAH!" she yelled, "PLEASE, CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" she continued beating the door until the lock let out a quiet click.

Imediately, she fell into the room and crashed into a terrified redhead. He grabbed her shoulders, holding her upright.

"What's going on?!" she called, looking past him at the man who was standing in the bathroom. His nose was bloody and his legs were bruised. He was pinning a tan blanket to the floor, covering a voilent figure, which was clawing at the fabric from beneath.

"He just-" Blyke started too explain.

"Snap out of it, John!" William yelled at the scrambling blanket, "Calm down!!" he was shrouded by a smoke-like cloud which burned with an amber undertone.  He was knocked back and the fabric exploded out in flames to reveal the rabid monster. John was crouched on the shattered tiles. Orange blazes danced across his fingers and radiated from the depths of his wide eyes. He seemed to be looking at something that wasn't there, terrified of it. His actions now were practically subconcious - it was only what he understood as self-preservation. Presently, he viewed everyone that came near him as a threat. 

"FU*K." Blyke breathed, letting go of the woman, and ran across the room. He leapt into the bathroom, extending his arms to tackle the other boy.  But John stared straight at him and thrashed Blyke into the wall before he could do any damage.

Now, Leilah stood facing him. John's lost, fiery irises broke her will and made her freeze. The black curtain cast a shadow onto his face, the dark strands scattering over his pale, paper skin. He rose to his feet, widening his stance, and faced her.  The smokey fog around him seemed to intensify as he clenched his jaw and stiffen his posture.

He was getting ready to fight her. Leilah couldn't stand down.

She only had one shot for victory. One way to defend herself. She had to take John out with one blow.

The air whistled as it passed between her pressed teeth.  Her emerald eyes shone brightly in the split second before she paused time. As she ran at the boy, gaining momentum,  she looked at him. His grey eyes were staring past her, his brows raised as if something had surprised him.

Not thinking much about it, she swung and kicked his frozen body across the bathroom and into the corner. Leilah resumed the flow of time and deactivated, watching if the limp boy would stand up.

His left arm fell into the bathtub, while his head rolled forward on his shoulders, away from the bloodied  impact on the tiled wall. He was out cold.

Sighing in relief, Leilah brushed her fingers through her hair. She got lucky. If John hadn't been so out of it, he would have certainly outsmarted her or simply overpowered her. But the poor boy had lost this time.

"SON!!" William cried out, running to  John's side. He propped him up in a more comfortable position and checked his vitals. Satisfied with his findings, William leaned back on one arm, seated on the floor, and pressed his hand against his own forehead. "That was excessive." He muttered, not meeting Leilah's gaze, "You could have killed him."

"Sorry..." she wrapped her arms around herself in a loose hug, "I just wanted to get the job done-"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?!" William got to his feet and strutted towards her, "Is that all you havw to say, you 'wanted to get the job done'?!"

A hand rested on his shoulder. It was Blyke. "What matters is that nothing happened." He said, "I think you should step out and take a breather to calm down, it's been a rough morning."

William was about to protest but Blyke tightened his grip, pressuring the man out of the bathroom. Leilah bit her lip. William was right, all she was thinking about was how to protect herself, not the repercussions that might have.

Then, there was a shuffle in the corner, followed by a faint grumble.

"John?" She asked, watching the boy as her searched around the room. His squint was dull and docile, not a threat anymore. Finally, his movement ceased as his gaze rested on her.

With the same look of bewilderment as before, he whispered, "Sera?"

PPfft, the plot progression in this chapter was questionable, ma apologies

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PPfft, the plot progression in this chapter was questionable, ma apologies.

Till next time <3

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